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更新时间:2009-9-4:  来源:毕业论文
我们每个人都可以在汤姆身上找到自己童年的影子。汤姆代表了我们人生中最美好的部分。汤姆对平庸生活地 厌恶和对自由理想世界的向往,是使人生更加丰富和精彩。汤姆他热衷地冒险,则是人类生命意志的体现。
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is American famous literary giant Mark Twain take his youth as the main subject to wrote.
Tom Sawyer and his best friend, Huck Finn, tell stories, fish, and pretend to be pirates along the banks of the Mississippi River. Then they become real-life witnesses to a terrible crime! Whether Tom is running away from villains, treasure hunting, or showing off for Becky Thatcher, it's one thrilling escapade after another.
Story leading Tom's naive character, is lively and the also mischievous model US youths. He and the urchin summer gram, respectively made the wonderful matter which one burst out laughing. Is punished like Tom whitewashes the fence, unexpectedly executes the clever trick, not only causes other child to be willing to replace him to work, but also automatically offers the thank-you gift. Afterwards went with Xia Ketao to the desert island, the people thought they were drown to death, the church have been holding the mourning ritual for them, but they actually hid in the church bell tower listen secretly. These mischievous actions, although cannot make the model to us, but, he in order to be just, resolutely boldly thrusts forward to testify the person, saves that innocent criminal froth husband Peter. And in mischievous time, has unexpectedly uncovered a pile murder document with the summer gram, becomes young hero which the numerous people admires. It seems like that, Tom also has the place which is worth us studying. Actually the child mischievous sometimes waited has happen to manifested child's innocent. This kind of child really crossed the child time very difficultly again to seek, could let us find, only had the happy recollection which a spot occasionally then could remember.
I believed, even if your childhood difficult again ,you recollected also can be very happy. Who hasn't made a half silly matter in the childhood? When you more grow up, you can more think these silly matters are interesting. I said the childhood likes pot sweet wine, when separates more for a long time, tastes fragrant, is purer, more let the person aftertaste.
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