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更新时间:2010-1-18:  来源:毕业论文

  曹雪芹《红楼梦》:第辣回:“贾宝玉初试云雨情 刘姥姥一进荣国府”,春风文艺出版社1997年3月,第64页。
  曹雪芹《红楼梦》:第辣回:“贾宝玉初试云雨情 刘姥姥一进荣国府”,春风文艺出版社1997年3月,第65页
  曹雪芹《红楼梦》:第辣回:“贾宝玉初试云雨情 刘姥姥一进荣国府”,春风文艺出版社1997年3月,第72页
  周思源《穿针引线刘姥姥》,中央电视台10套节目“百家讲坛”,2004-1-27 15:22 。
  曹雪芹《红楼梦》:第三十九回:“村姥姥是信口开河 情哥哥偏寻根究底”,春风文艺出版社1997年3月,第443页
  曹雪芹《红楼梦》:第三十九回:“村姥姥是信口开河 情哥哥偏寻根究底”,春风文艺出版社1997年3月,第444页
  曹雪芹《红楼梦》:第三十九回:“村姥姥是信口开河 情哥哥偏寻根究底”,春风文艺出版社1997年3月,第447页
8 曹雪芹《红楼梦》:第四十回:“史太君两宴大观园 金鸳鸯三宣牙牌令”,春风文艺出版社1997年3月,第452、459页
  曹雪芹《红楼梦》:第四十一回:“贾宝玉品茶栊翠庵 刘姥姥醉卧怡红院”,春风文艺出版社1997年3月,第469页
  曹雪芹《红楼梦》:第五回:“贾宝玉神游太虚境 警幻仙曲演红楼梦”,春风文艺出版社1997年3月,第58、53页
  讲座:周汝昌答疑《红楼梦》中国现代文学馆 2003年10月1日


[6]佟  雪《红楼梦人物论》,江西人民出版社1978年10月。
Content Summary :Liu's maternal grandmother is 《 Red Chamber Dream 》 an art image that win to depict extremely and successfully, is a social first floor of a feudal age weather-beaten have the destitute to labor the women wisely," Liu's maternal grandmother enters the big view park" is 《 Red Chamber Dream 》 medium vice- line, rise again in the novel important structure function.Had her, a lot of person, affairses within novels just can connect the  together, becoming an organic whole.
While entering the glory country  mansion derivation  key person Wang Xifeng, also will lay the foundation in the activity of the mansion of jia  hereafter by herself for her; Second enter the glory country mansion to have everything from all side and show the artistic skill greatly, the author borrows the unfamiliar Liu's maternal grandmother to move of copy and draw big view park, the image expressed the wonderful jade waits for someone the thing personality;Third enter the glory country mansion Liu's maternal grandmother to know that the boon hope to repay, volunteer to help, sell the building to sell a ground of extrication  "Jingling 12 chai" of Qiaoer in the girs.This is long through the ways of the world, don'ted lose the old woman of the docile to become those reach the expensive and ungrateful Jia Yvcun of officer, it flow of contrast.Liu's maternal grandmother with her personal personality magic power and the public relations intelligence, won the glory country mansion to go up and down welcome, even Wang XiFeng also admires the knowledge of Liu's maternal grandmother, asking toward her, calling to her only daughter, giving the big donation just before walk.The time looks at the huge 《 Red Chamber Dream 》 , write so many high and high at up, beautiful able woman and free from vulgarity nobility young lady of cleverness, only this small supporting roles contain outstanding diplomacy then can and the quality of the feeling for universal compassion.Exactly this have uncommon public relations then can of old woman, witness the whole process of the Jia mansion  rise and fall honor versus dishonor.
This text try from Liu's maternal grandmother three enter three glories  country mansion of speech, demeanor, behavior, expressed to commence, explore the kind and genial and good essence of the living intelligence of this first floor person, analyze Liu's maternal grandmother the old woman of this" beat to take out plentiful" how step by step  arrived the tallest power of the mansion of Jia,Mrs Jia .The mother explored the author the Cao Xueqin why to write this person thing, he gave how of emotion, Liu's maternal grandmother had the very and special figure in 《 Red Chamber Dream 》 , he act as go-between outside return to suggest toward reader with Liu's maternal grandmother what, the "Jingling 12 chai" and Liu's maternal grandmothers have again how of can't neglect of relation?
Keyword :Liu the maternal grandmother      intelligence 
  《 Red Chamber Dream 》             Ban’er  

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