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更新时间:2010-1-30:  来源:毕业论文

注  释①文能、迟子建:《“畅饮天河之水”——迟子建访谈录》,见《花城》,1998年1期273页
Summary:It is a writer that has the special meaning that late son set up.Since 90' the 20 centurieses of s in, the creations the spirit of the Chinese the literary circles the divides continuously, the writerses the are gradually the from a the kind of" the common words" the world to the come out the in the separation, the to popularize, the customs turn, the commercial take side, the late the son jian the still guards the securely the art conscience the of the author, the not is vulgar, the not mislead the public, keep the high personal status to appreciate beauty to pursue always in the creations, just as since go toward of pursue the home of oneself's soul.This text will inquiry into the late son to set up the recount of novel style through the writer  work that each is period.She succeed of found out at that moment some people to have ever owned the but again gradual far go to of pure true appearance, and very calm down of choosing and matching that kind of the stratum oneself logic of words method, thus made her novel find out the extensive reading object.
At the new period, the successful the writer the that attracts the by the and the describes one the square the Water the and soil the that the oneself the fall in the love the not the in the minority, the be the like the company the of the even the and the cave style the of writing the state series," the high northeast  of the   country" that Moyan, the LI3 RUI4's" the go the mountain too", peninsular" WaLizhen " the of east the of ZHANG the WEI3 JIAO, what WANG2 AN YI4 build is flexible to work properly etc. that the dynamic civilian turns big Shanghai, all giving person leave the impression of the hard detrition again.The late son  set up" the village world in North Pole" of the  style of writing is also to make me unwilling to leave, the body faces the its situation , the the imperceptibly but inexorably contain a kind of power urge the world that I fall in love to set up the soldier style of writing in the late son.

Keyword:The late son sets up to describe the language happiness迟子建是一个具有独特意义的作家。20世纪90年代以来,中国文坛的创作精神不断分化着,作家们逐渐的从一种“共同的话语”世界中分离出来,向大众化、世俗化、商业化靠拢时,迟子健仍然坚守着作家的艺术良知,不媚俗、不惑众,在创作中始终保持着高品位的审美追求,一如既往的追求着自己灵魂的家园。本文将透过作家各个时期的作品来探讨迟子建小说的叙事风格。她成功的找到了当下某些人们曾经拥有却又渐渐远去的纯真状态,并十分冷静的选择了符合那种阶层自身逻辑的话语方式,从而使她的小说找到了广泛的阅读对象。

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