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更新时间:2010-1-30:  来源:毕业论文

① 张爱玲.张爱玲文集  安徽文艺出版社。
②  张爱玲.张爱玲文集  安徽文艺出版社。
③  傅雷——《论张爱玲的小说》。参考书目[1] 《中国现当代文学三十年》
[2] 傅雷——《论张爱玲的小说》
[3] 深圳新闻网——张爱玲专题
[4] 张爱玲.张爱玲文集  安徽文艺出版社
The contents summary:ZHANG AI LING, the original domicile Anhui, wased born in Shanghai in 1921, the father is a childe of the little type, mother rather brave, once left the father to go to France to study abroad, the family  luxury of the current and old type, had already accepted the western culture very much again.In ZHANG AI LING's novel 《 the city of  love 》 is 《 legend 》 medium have most the legend color unique a with big member ending of novel.The story description of is still men and women's feeling love that ZHANG AI LING excel:The different from different world, have life experience of different from the fanliuyuan is original, first decline the noble family to divorce the daughter, aly satisfiedly through the old student abroad of the ways of the world, dual come from civilization of white tassels and the original nothing to do with person who try to were brought together together by the huge hand of the destiny, depending the marriage that a soul-stirring  city battle fire achieved two people, doing a rightness of" ordinary of husband and wife"ses in that" ages of chaos and disturbances of war".This is the rare and satisfactory final outcome in ZHANG AI LING fullly being incomplete story.However this see each gets what he needs and satisfaction of everybody concerned and satisfactory mile but contain deeper not satisfactory, the gorgeous dead color of this" satisfied good luck" is last is the modern people of the gray life in fact cool and sorrow.Cool feeling of ZHANG AI LING's in the novel, originate her on the very big degree to the female can the feeling of the sad existence circumstances know and cognize.《 The city of  love 》 also is such, she can see do is, in the hullabaloo that float a life time of a song female existence predicament of sorrow of song..Keyword: ZHANG AI LING   novel  《 the city of  love 》

关键词:  张爱玲  小说  《倾城之恋》697

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