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更新时间:2010-1-30:  来源:毕业论文


Contents  summary:  on the history, the dragon is the marking and symbols of the Chinese nation, is the symbol of the ethos, once rose the function of coagulate the Chinese nation.Because China from time immemorial country founded on farming, people imagination in of can  cloud cloth rain, cloud of drive the dragon of fog to is respect by people early.The feudalism king for support it rule, ask for help the dragon to set up own authority, and the dragon also therefore acquires the more imposing position, under the influence of the people's widespread adoration, biggest Chinese ancient politics and culture.Afterwards, along with the change of the ages, substitute of the civilization pass, modern impact, the king of the dragon body symbolizes to present to weaken with divine nature, but the divine nature that have something to do with mascot but enhance.
   The China the earth is the home of the home town, dragon of the dragon.Various idea, phenomenon, custom...etc. that have something to do with dragon, constituted the gorgeous and colorful dragon culture.And seep into each aspect of the social activities broadly.The body wears the culture to contain now, showing the divine power of the dragon, the divine nature of the natural talent dragon, the spirit of the shining dragon, expand a kind of spirit of race, body now a mental state with special race.Affect it widely, permeate it deeply, is a life time rare.
   The dragon is the cultural sign that a kind of content enrich, is a symbol of the Chinese nation.
   There has been a lot of scholar's origins to the dragons, the substance of the dragon, the dragon turn into, the dragon culture waits a lot of problems to carry on the study and researches.This text is fore person foundation of research up, pass the introduction to the dragon totem, the dragon the culture, talk the dragon culture a kind of race that reflection come out of mental state.
Keyword: dragon  Totem  Dragon culture  China  Race mental state1.龙图腾的概述1.1简单介绍图腾图腾(英文为Totem),是北美洲阿尔哥昆恩人的奥吉布瓦部族方言“奥图特曼”(ototeman)的译音,意为“他的亲族”。图腾的实体是某种动物、植物、非生物或自然现象。图腾崇拜的核心是认为某种动物、植物或无生物和自己的氏族有血缘关系,是本氏族的始祖和亲人,从而将其尊奉为本氏族的标志、象征和保护神。“图腾”一词最早见于1971年在伦敦出版的英国商人、人类学家龙格所著的《一个印第安译员兼商人的航海探险》一书中。世界各国不少学者,都对图腾崇拜这一既古老又奇特的文化现象做过考察和研究,普遍认为世界上许多民族都曾经有过图腾崇拜,其残余在近现代一些民族中还可以看到。


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