The contents summary: The ancient dragon whole life" the battle sword river's lake carries the wine to go", he spread to build a legend in the world of the novel about swordsmen, he only is got by a pen everything, connect shouldn'ted have lonesome to also have, the ancient dragon has his own viewpoint and comprehensions to the novel about swordsmen creations.He thinks that the contemporary novel about swordsmen shouldn't walk again the old road of the traditional novel about swordsmen, but" want to be lately, to change".The ancient dragon novel expresses an exclusive style of out of the ordinary on the language, technique.A type of language of the ancient dragon novel is short, the sentence construction changes much, simple and direct, well-executed and big-hearted.The article writes freely at will, full of vigor, recount the dint to avoid even spread to keep the xu, communicate officially to jump up to tremble to move much, the details is breathtaking and suspicious but again not disobey the reason, open up the jing to build the idea, beg intentionally lately.If say the beam it is carefully obey cultured that feather living, don't lose Lin's everyone's poise of wu , so the gold yong is a bo to adopt 100, in the fusion the west skill method, since cultured and ancient pu , much more generous annoy, again humorous humor, witticism that tickles the ribs, write freely four zongs, diverse unified the ground to found the generation wu wood new breeze, is" the wutan" extremely person!As for ancient dragon, then courageous and dissolute, occupy the customary rules, show off to just leave the zao , smile the ao " river's lake", try hard for the novel variety but again deep 武 LIN2 GUAI4 JIE2 of the idea yun.
Keyword: The life of the legend;
River's lake of the ancient dragon;
Very person of lonesome;
A type of the ancient dragon中文摘要
1. 传奇的人生
因为古龙,我读出武侠中另一种味道,那不仅仅是对梦境的向往,更是对人生的感悟和人性的探索,这是几乎所有的小说,武侠,或是非武侠,所要力图展现的,而展现的方式,与其说是由不同的风格决定,不如说是由作者内心决定,有作者的影子。不喜欢古龙的人很大的一个理由是古龙的书中太多的警句,太多象是老生常谈似的哲理。而我在想:古龙写这些话的时候,当不是右手执笔,左手翻着一本《名人语录》,他自己不是比大多名人更“名”么?那必是个极富意境的场面,-个微胖的人,貌不甚扬,一手握笔,一手有杯,杯是美玉雕成的夜光杯,杯中是美酒,也许是五蒸五酿的波斯葡萄酒,或者是法国的XO,衣襟敞开着,露出一腔的豪气,这人微蹙着眉,凝思想着,忽地眉毛一挑,落笔如飞瞬间千言成就,然后直起身满意地叹口气,一口喝干杯中的酒,又是满意地叹口气… 这方是古龙。