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更新时间:2010-9-7:  来源:毕业论文

关键词:生态景观设计 静思空间 足下文化 自然野性 形式美感Marine red ribbon —Ecological Landscape Design of Mangrove of Qi′ao island wetland in Zhuhai
Abstract Being significant for the ecological cleaning, marsh is honored as “the kidney of the earth”, while It also plays an important role in our daily life. In the ecological landscape design of Qi′ao island mangrove, we integrate nature and landscape architecture, along with the wild inbeing, in order to reveal glamour of nature, so that people can realize the reality of it. Through the application of modern aesthetics and principles of psychology in designing , we managed to make a single step culture enjoyable to all.
Wetland ecology programming includes the balance among forms of beauty, functional use, natural system and social economy. From the minimalism in the form of beauty, to the human friendly of functional use, and further to the regeneration design of the nature system, they all shows the general trend of wetland ecology. As in this case, right now we basically execute the design according to the original status of the mangrove wetland, which makes it nature unity. Extended rivers, connected wetlands, along with the green mountains and followers depicture a beautiful natural scenery picture of southeast china watery region. In one word, wetland ecology design should be ecological, environment friendly, and sustainable developed, in other words, it ought to take advantages to the human being and all kinds of creature exist on the earth.本文来自辣'文"论^文*网
Key words: Wetland ecology design  Meditation space  A single step culture Wild nature  Beauty in forms
目  录
1、前言 1
1.1选题的目的及意义 1
1.2项目现状分析 1
1.2.1项目概况 1
1.2.2人流分析 2
1.2.3现状及存在问题 3
1.2.4本地气候分析 4
2、SWOT分析 5
3、设计理念 6
3.1设计目标 6
3.2设计原则 7
3.3设计技法借鉴 7
4、设计构思 8
4.1道路系统分析 8
4.2景观系统分析 9
4.3建筑系统分析 10
4.4景观小品分析 10
4.5植物配置分析 11
5、文化创造分析 12
5.1水上文化创造 12
5.2陆地文化创造 12
6、市场理念分析 13
参考文献: 14
谢  词 15

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