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更新时间:2016-7-25:  来源:毕业论文

——以大唐姜堰燃机热电联产项目厂区景观设计为例Analysis of The Landscape Design of Power Engineering Site Area
——Landscape Design of DaTang Gas Turbine Cogeneration Project in JiangYan Plant as an Example
Abstract: This paper begins with an introduction to the survey conducted on Jiangsu Jiangyan’s location, landscape and its local culture. Secondly, it mainly analyzes the spaces like the administrative area, production area and living area plants from the perspectives of three aspects as plant configuration, lighting design and floor coverings and design. After the interpretation and reflection on the environmental effects evolving from design, it aims to provide some immaturely information for the increasingly important but actually deficient plant landscape design.
Keywords:  plant; functional area; landscape design; effect analysis
目  录
引言 1
1.工厂厂区景观设计的现状 1
1.1.工厂厂区存在的问题综述 1
1.2.问题产生的原因 1
2.大唐姜堰燃机热电联产项目厂区景观设计 2
2.1.项目概况 2
2.2.大唐姜堰燃机热电联产项目厂区分区 2
2.2.1.设计的基本理念 3
2.2.2.行政区的景观设计 3
2.2.3.生产区的景观设计 4
2.2.4.生活区的景观设计 4
3.景观专项设计 5
3.1.植物配置 5
3.1.1.乔木的选择 5
3.1.2.灌木的选择 6
3.1.3.草本植物的选择 6
3.2.照明设计 7
3.3.地面铺装设计 7
4.设计中的创新点与局限 8
5.结束语 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11,2662

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