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更新时间:2016-10-9:  来源:毕业论文

浅析德彪西《月光》中的印象主义特点 摘  要:欧洲19世纪末的浪漫主义已经走到顶峰,艺术各领域中新的思想和表现手段也悄然兴起。音乐的发展也不可避免的出现了新的音乐思潮和技法,起源于法国巴黎的印象主义音乐即是这个时代的产物。德彪西作为印象主义主要代表人物之一,在钢琴音乐的领域里,他在和弦与和声的独特技巧形成了鲜明的个人特色。本文通过对德彪西代表作钢琴曲《月光》的创作特点和钢琴演奏方法的分析,阐述了印象主义音乐风格在其钢琴作品中的体现,指出作品中的创作风格及表现手法别具一格,具有光影意象和变换色彩的印象主义特点。对此的探讨旨在帮助人们了解德彪西在钢琴音乐上做出的重大贡献,准确把握印象主义音乐所独有的艺术风格特征。

On the Characteristics of Impressionism of Debussy’s Moonlight    
    Abstract: The romanticism developed to its summit at the end of nineteenth century, and the new thoughts and expressions rose quietly as well. It is inevitable to come up with new musical ideological trends and techniques with the music development. The impressionistic music, which is originated from the Paris, France, is the product of the times. In the domain of piano music, Debussy, as one of the main representatives of impressionism, presents a distinct individual characteristic on the unique techniques of chords and harmony. The paper first analyzes the compositional characteristics and playing methods of his representative piano music Moonlight, and discusses the representation of the impressionistic style in Moonlight, pointing out that the style and expression of the composition is unique, and it is of the impressionistic characteristics, i.e. the shadow images and changeable colors. From the discussion, the paper aims to help people know the great contribution of Debussy to the piano music, and grasp the distinctive artistic styles of the impressionistic music exactly.
    Key Words: Debussy; Moonlight; Impressionism
目    录
摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、印象主义的起源与发展 2
(一)印象主义的起源 2
(二)印象主义的发展 2
二、德彪西钢琴音乐中的风格与主义特点 3
(一)德彪西的印象主义风格与思想 3
(二)德彪西钢琴音乐中的印象主义特点 4
三、德彪西《月光》中体现的印象主义特点 4
(一)德彪西《月光》的创作背景 4
(二)德彪西《月光》的创作特征 5
(三)德彪西《月光》的演奏技法 5
(四)德彪西《月光》的意义及影响 6
参考文献 8
致谢 9,3283

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