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时间:2020-07-04 20:14来源:辣文论文



The investigation of present situation of Children's hands-on ability 

- in zhoukou city XX kindergarten affiliated, for example 

Abstract: this paper applies the method of literature review, observation, interview to XX affiliated kindergarten children beginning ability training status investigation and study, mainly including: overview of children's hands-on ability training, the current situation of children's hands-on ability analysis, the problems existing in the children's hands-on ability, analysis of the causes and the relevant strategies and Suggestions of cultivating the ability of children to four block. And the results are analysis, found the teaching process dominated by teachers; Children's hands-on ability training such as lack of interactivity and planning problems, and based on this, advances the teacher wants to improve the teaching methods of cultivating the ability of children to start work; In the kindergarten teaching process should be carried out with the help of related courses of various teaching Suggestions. 

Key words: children's beginning ability; Training status; The investigation and study 

目  录


摘要 1

Abstract 1

    一、幼儿动手能力培养的概述 2

(一)幼儿动手能力培养的相关概念界定 2

(二)幼儿动手能力培养的重要性 2

二、幼儿动手能力培养的现状分析 3

(一)教师对幼儿动手能力培养的认识 3

(二)幼儿动手能力培养的途径 4

(三)幼儿动手能力培养活动的开展频率 4

(四)幼儿动手能力培养的引导方式 4

三、幼儿动手能力培养中存在的问题及原因分析 5

(一)幼儿动手能力培养中存在的问题分析 5

(二)幼儿动手能力培养中存在问题的原因分析 6

四、合理培养幼儿动手能力的相关策略及建议 6

(一)幼儿教师要端正态度,提高专业素养 6

(二)幼儿教师应让幼儿多参加教学活动,培养动手意识 7

(三)幼儿园应不断更新理念,明确教学制度 7

参考文献 8

附录Ⅰ 9

附录Ⅱ 10

致谢 11 


《幼儿园工作规程》第三十条:幼儿园应当将环境作为重要的教育资源,合理利用室内外环境,创设开放的、多样的区域活动空间,提供适合幼儿年龄特点的丰富的玩具、操作材料和幼儿读物,支持幼儿自主选择和主动学习,激发幼儿学习的兴趣与探究的愿望。新课改提出要增强和看中对幼儿能力的培养。因此,身为一名幼儿教师,要及时关注幼儿能力的提升问题,使幼儿积极参与到课堂的氛围中来和学习中去,培养幼儿对知识的喜好及乐于动手的情况,锻炼幼儿自主思考的能力和积极创新的能力,让幼儿在愉悦的课堂氛围下学习,这样就可以培养出真正出具有特色的人才。了解幼儿动手能力培养的频率与途径。 学前教育专业本科学生课堂兴趣观察表:http://www.751com.cn/fanwen/lunwen_55789.html
