The first section Major technique characteristicVibration, and turned to the three major systems for hydraulic transmission, hydraulic pumps andthree systems into one, directly by the engine crankshaft output through elastic coupling-drivenp...
Research on Chinese Enterprise Technological Innovation and Product Competitiveness Abstract: This study aims to investigate the influence of product competitiveness on the technological innovation in Chinese enterprises. The investigation...
Abstract The aim of this paper is to solve optimal design problems for industrialapplications when the objective function value requires the evaluation of expensivesimulation codes and its first derivatives are not available. In order to ac...
Abstract In an initial production planning stage, production material information in a building block is manually calculated by using data of parent ships and design experiences. Thus, the accuracy of the calculated information is low. To pr...
Received August 7, 2001; Revised October 21, 2002; Accepted February 12, 2003Abstract. Automatic procedures for the design of ship hull geometries yielding minimal wave resistance andwave breaking are an attractive opportunity from both the...
Abstract: The idea of irrigation is not new, irrigation stems as far back as the Egyptians and probably further in unrecorded history. Even the idea of automated irrigation is not new, mankind has figured out how to irrigate large areas of f...
Abstract Web 2.0 is a set of Internet-based applications that harness network effects by facilitating collaborative and participative computing. In this research we study the relationship between the use of Web 2.0 in KM and its effect on t...
Abstract The present paper covers the work made in order to be able to perform standard deep water IMO manoeuvring simulations based on a combination of computed and measured hydrodynamic input data. Based on a full set of measured PMM data...
Metamodels, also known as surrogate models, can be used in place of computationally expensive simulation models to increase computational efficiency for the purposes of design optimization or design space exploration. Metamodel-based design...