1. Introduction Injection molding is the most popular method for producing plastic products because of its high productivity and the manufacturability for making various complex shapes. The injection molding process includes six stages: mold...
Abstract: Effect of material change of plastic product is investigated in this research paper. The parameter observed are waste recycle, impact property of product, aesthetic look, cycle time, production rate and cost of product. In this stu...
J. Dobrnsky, P. Baron, M. Kočiko, Faculty of Manufacturing Tech-nologies with a seat in Preov, Technical University of Koice, Slovak RepublicL. Běhlek, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies, Technical Univer-sity of Liberec, Czech Republic...
Today, the time-to-market for plastic products is becomingshorter, thus the lead time available for making the injectionmould is decreasing. There is potential for timesaving in themould design stage because a design process that is repeatab...
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摘要:尽管之前的CRM研究在个人的基础上把eCRM看作是一对一的交流和个性化的服务的代名词,Web 2.0进一步使企业和用户通过社交网络共同学习,共同生产和协作产生客户价值,建立客...