Fractionating and absorption columns are one of the basic and most important forms of technologi- cal apparatus in petroleum refining, petrochemical, and other industries. Up to 1962, domestic petroleum refining machine factories put out pri...
Jigs and xtures are one of the important aspects of manufacturing. Parts may have different sets of xturing requirements and call for different design strategies. Although there are numerous possibilities for xture designs, a few basic congu...
In this literature review, we examined three air distribution systems (mixing, displacement and localised), to determine their effects on environmental satisfaction in office settings. Studies measuring environmental satisfaction were sparse...
Modern industrial production,small and large parts for the production of products of the increasing proportion of parts complexity and precision requirements rapidy increase , the traditional general machine tools has become increasingly dif...
Nextek Ltd, Level 3, 1 Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HR, UKPlastics are inexpensive, lightweight and durable materials, which can readily be moulded into a var-iety of products that find use in a wide range of applications. As...
3.1 Introduction Design of two and multi-legged robots like four legged, six legged, and eight legged robots shows a practical usefulness of Bionics for the domain of robotics. Depending on the number of legs, such robotic platforms can be i...
INTRODUCTIONT HE function of a boiler furnace is the generation of thema.imum amount of beat from a given quantity of aspecific fuel, and if such function is to be properly fulfilled,it is essential that the furnace operator understand the b...
Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network in Environmental Monitoring Applications Constructing an intelligent traffic monitoring system firstly depends on automatic identification for vehicles. At present, automatic identification technology based on...
State Spill Policies for State Intensive Continuous Query Plan Evaluation The needs of new modern day applications such as network monitoring systems, telecommunications data management, web applications, remote medical monitoring applicatio...
Jean-Loup Baer (S66-M69) received the Di- plome dlngenieur degree in electrical engineeringand the Doctorat 3 Cycle in computer sciencefrom the University of Grenoble, France, and thePh.D. degree from the University of California,Los Angeles...