基于一致倒塌风险的建筑抗震评价方法研究英文文献和中文翻译Uniform-risk-targeted seismic design for collapse safety of building structures ...
发泡填料塔中的含硫污水汽提英文文献和中文翻译Experimental Investigations of Foaming in a Packed Tower for Sour Water Stripping...
关于膝关节假肢的发展近期研究综述英文文献和中文翻译Towards the development of knee prostheses: review of current researches...
俄亥俄州辛辛那提大学的与健康相关的气溶胶研究中心,环境卫生部门。地址:伊甸园大道3223号;邮箱670056;电话:45267-0056 室内空气净化技术,它结合了单极离子发射、光催化氧化(由一...
温湿度独立控制空调系统在办公楼的性能英文文献和翻译Performance of temperature and humidity independent control air-conditioning system in an office building...
国内外塑料模具的现状及水平英文文献和中文翻译at home and abroad and the present condition of the plastic mould level...
模具制造加工英文文献和中文翻译Treating and the modern mould make high speed...
数据采集与监视控制系统英文文献和中文翻译Component-based Design for SCADA Architecture ...
PID控制器仿真英文文献和中文翻译Simulation, Design and Practical Implementation of IMC tuned Digital PID controller for liquid level control system...
基于生物地理学(BBO)算法下的管壳式换热器的设计和经济最优化 管壳式换热器的成本最小化是一个关键课题。传统的设计方法,除了浪费时间,不能保证经济最优化方案的实现...