5. Inside external undercut features
If the edge-loops of the target surface are more than two, there are more than one IEU in the target surface consisting of edge-loop related adjacent surfaces.Fig.15 shows that IEUs, edge-loops, and edge-loop related adjacent surfaces. In Fig. 15(a) shows two IEUs, one is a convex and the other is concave IEU, (b) is the edge-loops of undercut features with target surface, and (c) shows the edge-loop related surfaces of which the IEUs are composed. The main procedures to identify the IEU are as follows:
(a) Determine the internal and external edge-loops of the target surface.
(b) Identify the convexity and concavity of internal edgeloops.
(c) Extract the edge-loop-related surfaces. If the edge-loop is concave, the common second adjacent surface of the edge-loop-related surfaces needs to be extracted. The common second adjacent surfaces are shown in Fig. 15(c).
摘要:在注塑模具设计,侧凹特征的存在会影响模具的成本和结构。在本文中,定义、分类介绍侧凹特征的相关概念和识别它们。基于此侧凹定义和分类的基础上,对侧凹功能和其成型性之间的关系进行了阐述。定义侧凹特征的参数的和计算方法,以确定他们的建议。在侧凹特征适用范围和发展方向的基础上介绍v-maps侧凹特征。从其侧凹特征能被辨认出对的标准被展示。在考虑混合曲面,两对的概念,即实际的和虚拟的第一相邻表面,提出了实际和虚拟的边缘。由于凹特征可以一致认可,于是给出了侧凹特征识别标准。工业的案例研究表明,该方法是有效的识别和提取侧凹特征复杂的注塑模具。1999埃尔塞文尔科技有限公司版权所有。 侧凹特征在注塑模具设计英文文献和中文翻译(5):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_11168.html