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时间:2016-12-17 23:39来源:毕业论文
the intermittent spray characteristics assuming continuous sprays independent of time, and they examine mainly mean values during injection periods. Resultantly, a few time-resolved data of the interm

the  intermittent  spray  characteristics  assuming
continuous sprays  independent of  time,  and  they
examine  mainly  mean  values  during  injection
periods.  Resultantly, a  few  time-resolved data  of
the  intermittent  sprays,  which  can  be  used  to
clarify  the  development  and  disintegration  pro-
cesses,  are  available. Therefore,  an  in-depth study
to  verify  the  disintegration process  of  the  multi- 1694  Jeekuen  Lee, Shinjae Kang and Byung,  joon Rho
hole  diesel  spray  is  needed.
There  have  been  many  studies  on  the  diesel
sprays  and  their  formation  processes  but  a  few
of  the  comparisons of  the  droplet  formation  pro-
cess  between  the  multi-hole  and  the  single-hole
diesel  nozzles.  Quoc  and  Brun  (1994)  suggested
the development of the spray was governed by the
three  physical  phenomena that  are  disintegration,
evaporation  and  coherence.  Safman  et  ai.  (1988)
expressed  the  droplet  velocity distributions of the
single-hole  diesel  spray  as  a  function  of  time.
They  classified  the  spray  structure  into  the  lead-
ing  edge,  central  part  and  trailing  edge.  It  was
concluded  that  the  reason  for  the  reduction  of
the  number density of droplets  in  the  central  part
of  the  spray  was  that  it  was  mainly composed  of
the  ligament  that  was  not  completely  atomized.
Hosoya  and  Obokata  (1993)  analyzed  the  spray
characteristics  of  the  multi-bole  and  the  single-
hole  nozzle  using  a  LDV  (laser  Doppler  anemo-
metry)  and  a  PDA  (phase  Doppler  particle  an-
alyzer)  system  and  suggested  that  the  two  mea-
surement  systems were  efficient  for  analyzing the
unsteady  diesel  spray.  Arcoumanis  et  al.  (1990)
investigated  the  spray  formation  process  with
time. They suggested  that  the  spray  formed  by  the
multi-hole  nozzle  divided  into  the  three  parts
such  as  early  injection  period,  main  injection
period  and  after-injection  period.  Hiroyasu  and
Aria  (1990)  investigated  the  droplet  size  of  the
intermittent spray  of the  single-hole nozzle  using
immersion liquid sampling, and  they concluded  it
decreased  with  the  increase  in  injection pressure.
Arcoumanis  et  al.  (1993)  examined  the  atomi-
zation  characteristics  in  a  multi-hole  nozzle  by
using a  PDA  system. They  showed  that  there  is a
better  improvement  in  the  quality of atomization
in the  2-spring nozzle than  in the  I-spring nozzle
during  the  main  injection  duration.  Bae  et  al. 柴油喷嘴雾化英文文献和翻译(2):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_1165.html