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时间:2018-03-29 12:05来源:毕业论文
In a dipping machine of the character described, a hydraulic cylinder a piston movable tithing said cylinder and having a piston rod extending upwardly and out of said cylinder, a coating material con

In a dipping machine of the character described, a hydraulic cylinder a piston movable tithing said cylinder and having a piston rod extending upwardly and out of said cylinder, a coating material container carried upon the top of said piston rod a stationary work holding member positioned above said container, piping connecting the bottom of said cylinder to a source of water under pressure and to a drain, adjustable valves connected in said piping ,one of said valves serving to control the rate of flow of water under pressure to said cylinder beneath said piston for raising said container an another of said valves serving to control the rate of flow of water therefrom and hence the rate of lowering said container under the action of gravity, whereby the ascending and descending speeds of said piston and the container carried thereby may be predetermined to suit the requirements of any particular job , the calve connecting said cylinder to the drain being continuously open whereby water hammer is eliminated and perfect coating of articles is obtained

5. In a dipping machine, a receptacle, a frame, a carrier mounted in said frame for vertical movements toward -and from the contents of said receptacle, means for mounting forms on said carrier, a piston and cylinder construction, means connecting said piston with said -carrier, a source of fluid under pressure, a distributing valve, a line to said valve comprising a pair of branches each leading to said valve from said source, lines from said valve to the respective end portions of the cylinder for the application of fluid under pressure to the respective sides of said piston to move said carrier to and from the contents of said receptacle, independently adjustable manually operable valves located one in each of said branches and controlling the maximum rate at which said fluid may be supplied said distributing valve through the respective branches, a fast opening valve in one of said branches, a slow opening valve in the other of said branches, inpidually electrically operated means controlling said distributing, fast opening and slow opening valves, electrical circuits including a manually operable starting switch to close circuits to the controls of said fast opening and distributing valves to rapidly supply fluid to the side of said piston to lower the carrier and forms toward the contents of the receptacle, and operating rod movable with said carrier, a second switch in said circuits and operable from normal to reverse position by said rod to open the circuit to the control of said fast opening valve and close the circuit to the control of the slow opening valve as the piston moves the forms into the contents of the receptacle whereby said forms are moved slowly into and while being lowered into such contents, a reversing switch operable from a normal condition by said rod to reverse the circuit to the control of said distributing valve on submersion of the forms in the contents of the receptacle to position the same for supplying said fluid to the other side of the piston, a timing device in said circuit whereby the forms are held stationary in the receptacle for a predetermined time on reversal of said reversing switch, another switch in the last mentioned circuit and operable from closed circuit relation to said timer to closed circuit relation with a separate branch of the circuit to the control of the distributing valve as the piston moves said forms from the contents of the receptacle, a second timer device in said branch circuit whereby the piston movement is temporarily halted as the forms leave the contents of the receptacle, said second switch positioned to be shifted back to normal substantially simultaneously with said movement of the last mentioned switch to open the circuit to the control of the slow opening valve and close the circuit to the control of the fast opening valve whereby at the erd of said temporary halt the carrier anrd forms are moved rapidly upwardly in the frame, and a normally closed stop switch positioned to be engaged and held open by said rod at the limit of upward movement of the carrier to open the circuit to all said electrical valve controls. 浸涂机英文文献和中文翻译(4):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_12102.html