Pressure drop data for all four pressures are shown in Figure 7 and listed in Table 2. On the basis of these data plus the methods for calculating the values of hd and hL described earlier, the fraction of the total tray pressure drop due to the collector elements is shown in Figure 8.
The cocurrent tray is suitable for applications involving high gas and liquid flows, such as pressure fractionations of light hydrocarbon mixtures. While its pressure drop is not excessive, when compared with conventional crossflow trays, the liquid collectors create a pressure loss that might be considered too high for vacuum distillations. Its potential economics have been reviewed by Seibert and Fair, 199514 , who found that the cost of fabrication of the cocurrent tray could be as much as three times that of a conventional tray, but that its capacity advantages could more than offset this additional cost.
The contacting device described in this paper has the potential for doubling the throughput capacity exhibited by conventional crossflow sieve trays and valve trays. Since the device operates on a concurrent flow basis, the usual limits of entrainment for countercurrent or crossflow devices are absent. The simple collector system is remarkably efficient for removing entrained liquid from vapour. The height of a downcomer is much greater than a tray spacing, and the liquid entering the downcomer has been de-aerated. The test data presented here were taken on a column much larger than those used for presenting device data under distillation conditions.
The model presented here is mechanistic in nature, and appears to give a good representation of measured mass transfer efficiency data. The models for pressure drop can be related to those of conventional trays, and for the present purposes appear to fit well the measured data. A key to the design is an efficient device for separating the entrained liquid from the vapour and the simple impact-type separator shows high efficiency, not only for the tests reported here but also for separate air-water tests.
关键词: 精馏;气-液系统;塔盘;改进;消除瓶颈 论文网
Debottling蒸馏塔是一个希望节约大量资金的项目工程,但是在通常意义上有严重的局限性。在这个问题上最近的一篇论文表明, 当前可改进设备,为了使其达到增加产量的且不失分离能力,将提供能力增加要求的25 - 30%相比,现代设计的横向气流筛或者浮阀塔盘(Fair and Seibert, 1996)1。摘要操作特征和性能结果将被描述为一个新的设备称为直流托盘。该设备已被证明气生产能力高于传统横向气流的托盘50 -100%。论文中还包括一个模型的细节,它可以用于进一步的研究和预测设备的水力特性和传质效率。
三大系列的直流盘进行了大规模的测试分离试验。在奥斯丁德克萨斯大学研究项目,每个系列有不同的几何特征。前两组测试数据已报告之前 (Fair and Seibert,1994)2; 将在这里强调第三组测试的结果。试验是在四个压力条件下进行测试环己烷/正庚烷混合物的。自从对其他设备也做了相似的研究以来,使用相同的测试混合物和设备,准备的比较。本文的目的有三点:描述设备,提出目前的性能测试的数据, 概述机械建模工作背后的方法论以允许其测试数据推广到其他的情况的计算中。 大容量精馏塔塔盘英文文献和中文翻译(6):