Start-up and Operation”2. This project was commissioned in December 1999 and consisted of a 24 km (3 flight) overland conveying system to replace the underground
mine to mill rail haulage system.
Figure 4- Henderson PC2 to PC3 Transfer House
The longest conveyor in this system (PC2) was 16.28 km in length with 475m of lift. The most important system fact was that 50% of the operating power (~4000 kW at 1783 mtph and 4.6 m/s) was required to turn an empty belt therefore power efficiency was critical. Very close attention was focused on the idlers, belt cover rubber and alignment. One way to document relative differences in efficiency is to use the DIN 22101 standard definition of “equivalent friction factor- f” as a way to compare the total of the main resistances. In the past, a typical DIN fused for design of a conveyor like this might be around 0.016. MAN Takraf was estimating their attention to power would allow them to realize an f of 0.011, a reduction of over 30%. This reduction contributed a significant saving in capital cost of the equipment. The actual measured results over 6 operating shifts after commissioning showed the value to be 0.0075, or even 30% lower than expected. Mr. Kung stated this reduction from expected to result in an additional US$100, 000 savings per year in electricity costs alone.
Route Optimization
Figure 5- Tiangin China
Horizontal Adaptability
Of course the most efficient way to transport material from one point to the next is as directly as possible. But as we continue to transport longer distances by conveyor, the possibility of conveying in a straight line is less and less likely as many natural and man-made obstacles exist. The first horizontally curved conveyors were installed many years ago, but today it seems just about every overland conveyor being installed has at least one horizontal change in direction. And today’s technology allows designers to accommodate these curves relatively easily.
Figures 5 and 6 shows an overland conveyor transporting coal from the stockpile to the shiploader at the Tianjin China Port Authority installed this year. Designed by E.J. O’Donovan & Associates and built by Continental Conveyor Ltd of Australia, this 9 km overland carries 6000 mtph with 4x1500 kW drives installed.
Figure 6- Tiangin China Plan View
The Wyodak Mine, located in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming, USA, is the oldest continuously operating coal mine in the US having recorded annual production since 1923. It currently utilizes an overland (Figure 7) from the new pit to the plant 756m long (2,482 ft) with a 700m (2,300 ft) horizontal radius. This proves a conveyor does not need to be extremely long to benefit from a horizontal turn. 3
Figure 7- Wyodak Coal
Another industry that would not be able to use belt conveyors without the ability to negotiate horizontal curves is construction tunneling. Tunnels are being bore around the world for infrastructure such as waste water and transportation. The most efficient method of removing tunnel muck is by connecting an advancing conveyor to the tail of the tunnel boring machine. But these tunnels are seldom if ever straight.
One example in Spain is the development of a 10.9m diameter tunnel under Barcelona as part of the Metro (Train) Extension Project. Continental Conveyor Ltd. installed the first 4.7km conveyor as shown in Figures 8 and 9 and has recently received the contract to install the second 8.39 km conveyor.
Figure 8- Barcelona Tunnel Plan View
Figure 9- Inside Tunnel
In another example, Frontier Kemper Construction is currently starting to bore 6.18 km (20,275 ft) of 3.6m (12 foot) diameter tunnel for the Metropolitan St. Louis (Missouri) Sewer District. The Baumgartner tunnel (Figure 10) will be equipped with a 6.1 km conveyor of 600mm wide belting with 4 intermediate drives. 带式输送机技术英文文献和中文翻译(2):