documents and access the government and trade organization data. Thus, designing website for e-commerse is important. The result argues that a successfull website may be
developed by professional agents who can design a website which is compatible with the
customers needs. To support the success of small enterprises in running business with the
use of website, the implementation of E-Commerce becomes the right choice. There are 3
categories of E-Commerce itself, namely consumer-oriented commerce, business to
business commerce and intra organizational business. From the study, it is known that
business to business commerce is the most successful one because the biggest segment in
this market is business market. Yet, there are obstacles in implementing E-Commerce
particularly the start up cost, the unfamiliarity with the web, and lack of guidance about
how to start the process. But the most extreme condition concerned by the company is the
on-line security. Sometimes, the concern about this obstructs the productivity in the
company. Of course, it is not easy for small medium enterprises to solve this problem.
Another related study is the one conducted by Moodley (2003), who conducts a research
about the use of E-Commerce on small furniture enterprises in South Africa. It is said that
international timber companies use internet in running their business and trading with all
the customers. In this study, it is said that small enterprises grow rapidly and could reach
all segments in the world. On the other hand, the small enterprises not using E-Commerce
do not run optimally, especially when it comes to value chain. Compare to big companies
with well-built network, these small companies are forced to use E-Commerce to
compensate the current market. Sometimes, E-Commerce becomes a little bit difficult for
small enterprises because of its low scale of business, the lack of resources and the limited
ability in identifying and working with consumers and suppliers abroad. The study by
Moodley (2003) has something in common with this research in terms of condition,
whereas the background of the small enterprises in entering international market is the
similar characteristics of companies and conditions of country with limited local market,
so the probability to sustain is quite low, in addition to high unemployment, low
economic growth and unpromised local market. Seeing a good potential in international
market, these small enterprises in South Afrika tries to enter the international market. The
result of Moodley study proves that it is not easy to do transition from conventional
market to E-Commerce. The concerns over the barriers become the obstacles to success.
The barriers include the limited understanding about E-Commerce among the timber
furniture enterpreneurs, the relationship among management that is not so close
psychologically that finally closes the orientation in the way of thinking, the lack of E- 电子商务营销模式英文文献和中文翻译(4):