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时间:2018-05-07 22:10来源:毕业论文
Another way to overcome deflection issues is by decreasing the load on the rolls, which can be done by applying a longitudinal force; this is essentially drawing. Other method of decreasing roll defle

Another way to overcome deflection issues is by decreasing the load on the rolls, which can be done by applying a longitudinal force; this is essentially drawing. Other method of decreasing roll deflection include increasing the elastic modulus of the roll material and adding back-up supports to the rolls.[10]
The different classifications for flatness defects are:
•    Symmetrical edge wave - the edges on both sides of the workpiece are "wavy" due to the material at the edges being longer than the material in the center.
•    Asymmetrical edge wave - one edge is "wavy" due to the material at one side being longer than the other side.
•    Center buckle - The center of the strip is "wavy" due to the strip in the center being longer than the strip at the edges.
•    Quarter buckle - This is a rare defect where the fibers are elongated in the quarter regions (the portion of the strip between the center and the edge). This is normally attributed to using excessive roll bending force since the bending force may not compensate for the roll deflection across the entire length of the roll.
It is important to note that one could have a flatness defect even with the workpiece having the same thickness across the width. Also, one could have fairly high crown or wedge, but still produce material that is flat. In order to produce flat material, the material must be reduced by the same percentage across the width. This is important because mass flow of the material must be preserved, and the more a material is reduced, the more it is elongated. If a material is elongated in the same manner across the width, then the flatness coming into the mill will be preserved at the exit of the mill.
    最早的有关于轧机的文献资料可以追溯到1761年Christopher Polhem的《Patriotista Testamente》一书中,在书中他提到想将带一条手柄的锤子斜立的往事。
其他金属    铅的轧制于17世纪末就存在了。铜和黄铜的轧制则在18世纪末。
    热轧是在高于再结晶温度的环境中进行轧制的金属加工工艺。在变形过程中,晶体重结晶,保持等轴状组织,同时防止金属的加工硬化。原材料通常是大型金属件,像半成品铸件,如板材、锻铁、钢坯等。如果这些产品是通过连续铸造得来的,它们就将会在适当的温度直接被输送至轧机轧制。在小规模的轧制中,材料在室温下进行加热。可以在一个用于较大工件或较小工件感应加热的天然气或燃油均热炉中完成这一步。必须要强调的是,这时材料的温度必须控制以确保它高于再结晶温度。为了确保结束的温度高于再结晶温度,需文持一个安全系数;这个温度通常是在再结晶温度以上,50到100°C(90至180°F)的范围内。如果温度跌至这个温度范围一下,需在热轧前再加热。 轧机分切机英文文献和中文翻译(6):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_15071.html