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时间:2018-05-13 17:23来源:毕业论文
Electro-tactile stimulation can be dangerous and/or painful. The tactile actuators shown in Figure 4 (from Tactaid) were chosen for their compact size, high output power density, resonant frequency of

Electro-tactile stimulation can be dangerous and/or painful.
The tactile actuators shown in Figure 4 (from Tactaid) were
chosen for their compact size, high output power density,
resonant frequency of 250 Hz (for maximum detection by
humans) and previous history, of use in speech-to-tactile
translation. Typical vibrating motors, used in cellphones and
similar products, function via an off-center weight spun on a
DC motor. This requires high spin-up times to reach desired
amplitudes and makes the control of amplitude and frequency
linked together. The Tactaid actuator functions as a resonant
actuator, utilizing a coil attached to the end of a resonant
spring, turned on and off manually at the resonant frequency
of the mass-spring combination. This allows the frequency
to be controlled independently of amplitude, and allows very
quick ring-up and ring-down times. The high bandwidth
response is ideal for the quick feedback responses needed
in motor skills. Figure 4 shows the physical vibrators.摘要:当人们在老师的指导下学习一个技能,他们就要学习使用多找不同的渠道。他们用耳朵去听有关技能的高级信息,用眼睛去看别人是怎样使用技能的,有时通过触觉来感知老师的身体指导。本研究提出了一种新颖的方法,学生接收实时触觉反馈,同时这种反馈信号通过所有关节在可穿戴机器人系统中传递。这可以补充从老师那获得的视觉触觉反馈或听觉反馈。我们的研究结果表示用一个五自由度机器人西装,执行目标动作时,展现出精度提高27%, 加速学习率高达23%。我们报告两种结果都具有很高的统计显著性(p≤ 0.01)。本研究的目的是使用在一个多样化的应用程序,包括体育训练,神经损伤后运动康复、舞蹈、姿势矫正等。我们称这个系统TIKL,即动觉触觉交互学习系统。论文网
处在身体康复或有不当姿势的人,和那些有所欠缺的舞蹈课程都面临类似任务——即运动学习。大多数人受益于一种老师,这种老师可以为他们提供各种各样的实时反馈渠道听觉(高水平的行为指令),视觉(通过展示运动本身)和触觉(通过身体上指导学生)。尽管触觉反馈提出了最直接的运动信息形式,但它也是老师最难给予的,尤其是当他们自己在执行任务的时候。此外,由于人们的局限性,导师不能对所有人类关节同时提供触觉反馈。 动觉触觉交互学习系统英文文献和中文翻译(4):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_15697.html