to such an application, since one of the rolls has the ability to yield allowing the uncrushable material to
pass through.
The product size distributions shown in Figure 1 1 were obtained from the processing of mill scats in the
NCRC. Identical equipment settings and feed size distributions were used for both results, however one of
the trials was conducted using feed ore in which the grinding media had been removed. As expected, the
NCRC was able to process the feed ore containing grinding media without incident. However, since one
roll was often moving in order to allow the grinding media to pass, a number of oversized particles were
able to fall through the gap without being broken. Consequently, the product size distribution for this feed
ore shows a shift towards the larger particle sizes, and the Ps0 value increases from 4ram to 4.7mm. In spite
of this, the NCRC was still able to achieve a reduction ratio of almost 4:1.
Although no specific tesls were conducted to determine the wear rates on the rolls of the NCRC, a number
of the crushing trials were recorded using a high-speed video camera in order to try and understand the
comminution mechanism. By observing particles being broken between the rolls it is possible to identify
portions of the rolls which are likely to suffer from high wear and to make some subjective conclusions as
to the effect that this wear will have on the perlbrmance of the NCRC. Not surprisingly, the region that
shows up as being the prime candidate for high wcar is the transition between the flat and concave surfaces.
What is surprising is that this edge does not play a significant role in generating the improved nip angles.
The performance of the NCRC should not be adversely effccted by wear to this edge because it is actually
the transition between the fiat and convex surfaces (on the opposing roll) that results in the reduced nip
The vide() also shows that tor part of each cycle particles are comminuted between the flat surfaces of the
rolls, in much the same way as they would be in a jaw crusher. This can be clearly seen on the sequence of
images in Figure 12. The wear on the rolls during this part of the cycle is likely' to be minimal since there is
little or no relative motion between the particles and the surface of the rolls.
The results presented have demonstrated some of the factors effecting the comminution of particles in a
non-cylindrical roll crusher. The high reduction ratios obtained from early single particle tests can still be
achieved with continuous multi-particle feed. However, as with a traditional roll crusher, the NCRC is
susceptible to choke feeding and must be starvation fed in order to operate effectively. The type of feed
material has little effect on the performance of the NCRC and, although not tested, it is anticipated that the
moisture content of the feed ore will also not adversely affect the crusher's per[Brmance. Results from the
mill scat trials are particularly promising because they demonstrate that the NCRC is able to process ore
containing metal from worn grinding media. The above factors, in combination with the flaky nature of the
product generated, indicate that the NCRC would make an excellent recycle or pebble crusher. It would
also be interesting to determine whether there is any difference in the ball mill energy required to grind
product obtained from the NCRC compared that obtained from a cone crusher.
低的破碎比和高的磨损率是与传统的破碎机相联系的很常见的两个特性。因为这点,在矿石处理流程的应用中,很少考虑到它们,并且忽略了很多它们的优点。本文描述了一个已被发展起来的新颖的对辊破碎机,旨在提出这些论点。作为NCRC,这种新式破碎机结合了两个辊筒,它们由一个交替布置的平面和一个凸的或者凹的表面组成。这种独特的辊筒外形提高了啮合角,使NCRC可以达到比传统辊式破碎机更高的破碎比。用一个模型样机做的试验表明:即使对于非常硬的矿石,破碎比任可以超过10。另外,既然在NCRC的破碎处理中结合了辊式和颚式破碎机的作用,那就有一种可能:那种新的轮廓会带来辊子磨损率的降低。论文网 破碎机的外文文献和中文翻译(5):