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时间:2018-05-19 16:51来源:毕业论文
Problems caused by overheating decreased, and energy consumption was reduced . The experimental results for the reciprocated single-layer coil confirmed that the ferrite slices efficiently eliminate t

Problems caused by overheating decreased, and energy consumption was reduced . The experimental results for the reciprocated single-layer coil confirmed that the ferrite slices efficiently eliminate the proximity effect and substantially increase the heating speed of the reciprocated single-layer coils.
The core of the single-layer spiral coil shows a severe repulsive proximity effect. This study compared three ferrite arrangements in terms of their effects on spiral coil heating, including a conventional spiral coil ( without ferrite material ) ( Fig. 8 ( a) ), a spiral coil center inserted into a ferrite cylinder (diameter: 4 mm) ( Fig. 8(d)), and a spiral coil inserted into a ferrite cylinder and covering a ferrite slice (thickness:4mm)(Fig. 8(g)).
Fig. 8 shows thermal images of the mold surface after 10 and 20 s of heating by the spiral coils. The maximum and minimum temperatures of the heated area are shown at the top-right and center of the thermal images. The thermal images of the mold surfaces heated for 10 s show that :
黄明贤 , 宗鸿仔,台湾国立高雄第一科技大学机械自动化工程系
1  引言
在注射成型过程中,模具温度是影响注塑工艺质量的一个重要因素。设定一个高的模具温度来提高成型质量可行的,但这样会增加冷却时间和零件的脱模温度。为了在高温下冲模,低温度条件下零件脱模,开发出了在变模温过程中进行高精密注塑,薄壁注塑和微注塑成型 [1–3]。该变模温过程动态地控制模具温度,在熔体进入模腔之前将模具预热温度到一个更高的温度,然后在型腔充满之后降低模具温度。
达到变模温过程的常见的模具加热方法的包括红外加热[4,5],气体辅助加热[6],薄膜电阻加热[7],电阻加热盒[8,9],蒸汽加热[10],感应加热[11〜14]。感应加热(只加热模具表面)的优点包括加热和冷却速度快 ,可控性好,节能,并允许局部加热。与传统的油加热相比,感应加热具有更好的提高模具温度和缩短周期的潜力。 注塑模具外文文献及中文翻译(5):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_15966.html