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时间:2016-12-28 12:54来源:毕业论文
Test and Measurement LabVIEW has become an industry-standard development tool for test and measurement applications. With Test Stand, LabVIEW-based test programs, and the industrys largest instrument

Test and Measurement
LabVIEW has become an industry-standard development tool for test and measurement applications. With Test Stand, LabVIEW-based test programs, and the industry's largest instrument driver library, you have a single, consistent development and execution environment for your entire system.
Process Control and Factory Automation
LabVIEW is used in numerous process control and factory automation applications.Many scientists and engineers look to LabVIEW for the high speed, high channel count measurement and control that graphical programming offers.For large, complex industrial automation and control applications, the LabVIEW Data logging and Supervisory Control Module provides the same graphical programming as LabVIEW, but is designed specifically for monitoring large numbers of I/O points, communicating with industrial controllers and networks, and providing PC-based control.
Machine Monitoring and Control
LabVIEW is ideal for machine monitoring and predictive maintenance applications that need deterministic control, vibration analysis, vision and image processing, and motion control. With the LabVIEW platform of products including LabVIEW Real-Time for real-time deterministic control and the LabVIEW Data logging and Supervisory Control Module, scientists and engineers can create powerful machine monitoring and control applications quickly and accurately.
Research and Analysis
The integrated LabVIEW measurement analysis library provides everything you need in an analysis package. Scientists and researchers have used LabVIEW to analyse and compute real results for biomedical, aerospace, and energy research applications, and in numerous other industries. The available signal generation and processing, digital filtering, windowing, curve-fitting, For specialized analysis, such as joint time-frequency analysis, wavelet,and model-based spectral analysis, LabVIEW offers the specially designed Signal Processing Toolset.The Sound and Vibration Toolset offers octave analysis, averaged and nonaveraged frequency analysis, transient analysis, weighted filtering, and sound-level measurement, and more.
Draw Your Own Solution
With LabVIEW, you build graphical programs called virtual instruments (VIs) instead of writing text-based programs. You quickly create front panel user interfaces that give you the interactive control of your system. To add functionality to the user interface, you intuitively assemble block diagrams- a natural design notation for engineers and scientists.
Create the Front Panel
On the front panel of your VI, you place the controls and data displays for your system by selecting ob jects from the Controls palette, such as numeric displays, meters, gauges, thermometers, LEDs, charts,and graphs.When you complete and run your VI,you use the front panel to control your system whether you move a slide, zoom in on a graph, or enter a value with the keyboard.
Construct the Graphical Block Diagram
To program the VI, you construct the block diagram without worrying about the syntactical details of text-based programming languages. You do this by selecting objects (icons) from the Functions palette and connecting them together with wires to transfer data among block diagram objects. These objects include simple arithmetic functions, advanced acquisition and analysis routines, network and file I/O operations, and more.
Dataflow Programming
LabVIEW uses a patented dataflow programming model that frees you from the linear architecture of text-based programming languages. Because the execution order in LabVIEW is determined by the flow of data between nodes,and not by sequential lines of text,you can create block diagrams that execute multiple operations in parallel. Consequently, LabVIEW is a multitasking system capable of running multiple execution threads and multiple VIs in parallel.
Modularity and Hierarchy
LabVIEW VIs are modular in design, so any VI can run by itself or as part of another VI. You can even create icons for your own VIs, so you can design a hierarchy of VIs that serve as application building blocks. You can modify, interchange, and combine them with other VIs to meet your changing application needs. LabVIEW外文文献和翻译(2):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_1616.html