volume and increasing the gas pressure. The third
orbit begins with crescent shaped pocket just outside
of the scroll center. As the third orbit continue, the
inner ends of the vanes break contact admitting the
compressed gas to the center discharge port. The
third orbit continues the compressor cycle, discharge
high-pressure refrigerant gas.
The design drawing of the Fixed Scroll and Orbiting
Scroll are shown in Figs. 1-7.
Compressor Parameters: The shaft transmits the
rotary motion to the orbital motion of the lower
scroll. The shaft also carries the counter weight
necessary to balance the compressor mechanisms.
The following are considered during shaft design:
Torsional Moment (Mt), shaft diameter (d), shear
stress(τ ), Twist angle (θ ), Permissible load (Fmax),
casing thickness Tc
Shaft design: The design of power transmitting shaft
basically consists of the determination of the correct
shaft diameter to ensure satisfactory strength and
rigidity during operation under various loading and
working conditions. Shafts are usually circular in
cross sectional and may either be hollow or solid.
Their design is well expounded in many standard
texts (Shigley; Mischke, 2001; Hall, et. al. 2002;
Khurmi and Gupta, 2005). The shaft transmits the
rotary motion to the orbital motion of the lower
scroll. The shaft also carries the counter weight
necessary to balance the compressor mechanisms
(Orthographic drawing shown in Fig. 3). In designing
the compressor shaft we considered the design of the
shaft with its vanes. For effective discharge of high
pressure 5 vanes with an angle of 72o
where used. In the design for
摘要:这个工作集中在设计制造涡旋压缩机采用的一种自动化空调系统。涡旋压缩机是容积式机器开始压缩空气有两个铺垫螺旋状滚动的组件。关于这个压缩机设计,现在也是安静,可靠和有效的绩效。@JASEM 毕业论文
一个压缩的主要功能是承认的液体从一个低压区,压缩和传达它一个高压区;Mayhew罗杰,1994)。压缩机分为位移的类型汽轮类型。位移类型是值得进一步探讨的问题分为往复式及扶轮类型(Creux,1995)。 一个涡旋压缩机是一种回转式压缩机。他们正在积极机器,使用压缩位移两铺垫行动提供螺旋状证书, 其中一个是固定的,另一个轨道,(清华大学,2004)。压缩机为典型的滚动自动化空调系统构成的以下组成部分:卷轴,套管,轴,轴承、制冷室、橡胶密封,平衡春天,电磁离合器和压力阀,如图所示图6。现代涡旋压缩机技术开发只有在1970年代开始的概念在画卷是由一个制冷压缩机再次创造工业。自从他们引入空气空调行业在1980年代晚期,画卷压缩机,已成功在一个品种繁多两者的住宅和商业用途。在空调、小的压缩机被发现住宅和车辆系统,热泵加热和冷却系统用于家庭或个人业务。较大的压缩机中发现商业应用,如工艺对机组在各种冷凝器系统。制冷应用于滚动压缩机都是广泛的应用包括超市货架,散装奶冷却自动化运输和海洋的容器中(美国制冷研究,1998分;载体,2004年)在这部作品中,提出了设计和生产涡旋压缩机的自动化的空气空调系统。就我们所掌握的最好知识压缩机在我们目前还不产生国家。因此很多外汇是怎么花的进口。因此,本研究使可用涡旋压缩机设计的技术和制造;其结果将导致的改进我们的经济以及增进我们的国家技术。运行模式及压缩的过程:设计理念是基于使用两个铺垫压缩螺旋卷轴(如图所示图1),空气通过旋转驱动单元轴从一个电动马达。上部和侧面的新月形状形成低滚动叶片的口袋。作为较低的滚动轨道、密封点在叶片侧翼的内在推动移动新月形状对渐开线口袋中心。作为口袋动,他们减产和必然压缩天然气 自动化空调系统英文文献和中文翻译(2):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_16585.html