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时间:2018-05-30 22:01来源:毕业论文
indicated that most of the deformation demand at the bottom boundary is concentrated within the debonded region. Their analyses also showed that the debonded length is a key factor controlling the res

indicated that most of the deformation demand at the bottom
boundary is concentrated within the debonded region. Their
analyses also showed that the debonded length is a key factor
controlling the response of the joint. However, computing a deb-
onded length for particular conditions is not possible because the
length varies with traffic loading, temperature conditions, and the
potential for autogenous healing. Therefore, rather than specify-
ing the debonded length or computing it by tracking fracture摘要:沥青塞接头比传统的桥梁接缝有几个优点。安装它们很容易而且经费很便宜,还有良好的表面平整度。然而,在桥梁沥青塞接头的广泛应用中已经防止了经常出现过早失效的情况。详细的有限元仿真进行开发可以更好地了解影响APJ响应的参数以及流量和热负荷条件。计算模型采用时间和温度变化的粘塑性材料模型,并通过模型结果比较此前公布的实验数据进行了验证。研究的关键参数是:缺口板宽度,间隙板的厚度,间隙板的边缘几何形状,以及路面和APJ之间的界面的几何形状。所得到的信息被合成为一个拟议的替代APJ设计,最大限度地避免被认为是早期负责局部观察时的失败。论文网
桥联合协会2003年表明,典型的大小为一个APJ为500毫米宽100毫米深,其允许没有在最低工作设计温度裂缝的运动是20毫米。ASTMD6297-01规范(ASTM2007)指定该标准的最低予留孔洞尺寸为APJ是50〜500毫米,允许的最大运动为25mm。 桥梁沥青塞接头英文文献和中文翻译(4):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_16694.html