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时间:2018-05-30 22:13来源:毕业论文
III.ESTABLISHMFNT OF JAW CRTJSHFR STMTJT,ATTON MOTTON A. Establishment of simulation process Pro/E platform provides simulation of different types of modules. In this paper, the mechanism command of P

A.  Establishment of simulation process
  Pro/E platform provides simulation of different types of modules. In this paper, the "mechanism" command of Pro/E is used to carry out simulation motion and dynamic analysis for
work mechanism of jaw crusher. Select the menu command"application /mechanism" to enter the working interface and click the button "drag" in the "motion model", then capture a snapshot of current and named”Snapshotl"[4]. The case of the motion of the entire mechanism can be observed, if the crank is dragged. The purpose of doing this step is to verify whether there are defects in the design of jaw crusher, and to check whether there is interference phenomenon in the motion. In this way, some problems may be found and solved before the dynamic simulation, and it is convenient for designers to effectively make appropriate improvements for design parameters of the parts.
    Then the servo motor is set and named”ServoMotorl”automatically. The speed of the point A that on the connecting rod is set to 100, as is shown in Figure 3. The motion analysis is established by using "analysis/agencies analysis" and named"AnalysisDefintionl”And the "Snapshotl" is specified as the initial state of the mechanism motion. Also some dynamic modeling components can be added to analyze the force or torque of one point and so on, here, there is no longer introduction.
B.   Units simulation of the animation
    After the simulation process is completed, the playback button can be clicked. The effect of the animation is shown in Figure 4
    Interference detection module is one important module of the Pro/E simulation platform, and is also one key technology of the computer graphics, and has been widely applied in the fields of  virtual simulation. The appropriate level of interference detection is selected according to the need of motion simulation and collision detection of the system is carried according to the settings. The model will be shown in different colors, interference volume is also shown and all interference can be seen, if there is interference. Of course,according to the shown information, the interference can be eliminated by redefining the corresponding components in the model tree.
C.Dynamic Analysis
  In order to facilitate the analysis, as shown in Figure 4, point B that on the pin is selected as an analysis point. Click the menu command "analysis /measurement" and define the position and acceleration of point B is as the analysis object.The output images are shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6
  In addition, in this module, many types, such as the reaction force, impulse, and static load of different positions can also be defined to carry out static analysis, kinematics analysis and dynamic analysis. It has very important significance for the life of the specific parts. Specific process will  be  no  longer introduced.
  Through the application Pro/E platform on the j aw crusher,not only the result of the assembly can be expressed in the form of animation, but also can be output in the form of parameters.Thus, it is easy to know that whether to produce interference between the parts. It makes the original motion relationships in the 2D view are difficult to be expressed become intuitive and easy to modify. At the same time, the development cycle of the jaw  Crusher can be shortened and the design process of the mechanism can be simplified. And it is an important means of the modern product design.
    Thank for Tianjin Heavy  Steel Mechanical Equipment Co.,Ltd. , which support this article.
    In the work ,we got great help given by Xu Bo and the other students in the lab research group.  We express deep gratitude! 颚式破碎机外文文献和中文翻译(2):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_16699.html