ing load of the building is not taken into consideration and the heat
storage capacity of the building envelope is neglected. While heat-
ing is required in a region, cooling is needed in another region of
Turkey. Because Turkey has a wide geographical area and different
climatic regions. Bulut [16] showed that Turkey should be pided
into five different heating degree-day and three different cooling
degree-day regions. Aktacir and Büyükalaca [17] emphasized in
result of study that the cooling-degree days for the main provinces
S anlıurfa (South-eastern Anatolia Region), Antalya (MediterraneanRegion), Istanbul (Marmara Region) and Zonguldak (Black Sea Re-
gion) at 22 C base temperature are 933 h, 550 h, 104 h and 6 h,
respectively, although all these cities are listed in the second region
in TS 825. But, these provinceswere positioned into the different re-
gions according to their cooling-degree day values by Bulut [16].
Similarly, Yılmaz [7] investigated thermal performance of the same
typical residential building in Istanbul and Mardin. Istanbul and
Mardin are considered in the second region in TS 825, however
those are in temperate-humid and hot-dry climatic zones, respec-
tively. The study showed that cooling load in the same building in
Mardin is bigger than that of Istanbul.
It is stated in TS825 that insulation should be applied according
to PrEN ISO 13791 ‘‘Thermal performance of buildings – Internal
temperatures in summer of a room without mechanical cooling –
General criteria and calculation procedures” for cooling if neces-
sary. However, this approach is not followed in Turkey even in
the buildings for which cooling is more important than heating.
Bolattürk [18] studied the optimum insulation thicknesses for
external walls of buildings using cooling and heating degree-hours
in the warmest regions of Turkey. Results of his study showed that
use of cooling degree-hours is more suitable in these regions.
Ensuring the effective thermal insulation in regions, where the
cooling requirement of building with respect to heating require-
ment is dominant, is very important from the aspect of energy
economy. In some provinces of Turkey, such as the South-eastern
Anatolia Region and in the coastal provinces located in the Medi-
terranean and Aegean Regions, which have a hot dry or hot humid
climate and a longer cooling season (about 7 month) than heating
season [17,19], the thermal insulation applied considering only
heating energy consumption using degree-day concept may be
insufficient during summer. Parallel to the economic growth of
the country, package air-conditioners are used more and more fre-
quently for thermal comfort in these regions. This can be seen
clearly from Table 1 that shows the number of the split type and
variable refrigerant flow (VRF) type package air-conditioners sold
in Turkey during 1998–2006 [20].
In some countries, special procedures are followed for the re-
gions having hot and longer summers and warm winters. The local
energy conservation design standards used for residential buildings
in Shanqai of China and the Single Family Housing Programs used in
Colorado only at locations exceeding 600 cooling degree-day at
18.3 C base temperaturemay be given as examples [21,22] to these
procedures. Furthermore, AS2627.1–1993, ‘‘Thermal insulation of
roof/ceilings and walls in dwellings” is uniquely and specificallyAustralian in that it deals with heating and cooling aspects with
equal emphasis. It nominates the optimum amount of thermal
resistance for 760 climate locations throughout Australia [23].
3. Sample building and thermal insulation 暖通空调系统英文文献和中文翻译(2):