4. The optimal value of the liquid fraction is found to exist within the range of the experimental conditions.Compression holding time is suggested to have values as large as possible to improve the quality of the final products. This result means that the compression holding time has a positive and a negative correlation on the hardness average and the standard deviation of the hardness, respectively.
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技术人员依靠许多试验。在这项研究中,统计方法thixoforging已经被采纳,提高实验效率。形成初始固相分数的变量,如,模具温度和保温时间压缩被认为是制造铝合金发动机活塞的thixoforging。硬度和 毕业论文
关键词Thixoforging。铝的汽车活塞。响应面分析。遗传算法。神经网络的决策者 铝合金汽车活塞制造英文文献和中文翻译(6):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_2047.html