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时间:2018-10-19 19:44来源:毕业论文
CARRIAGE FOR SORTING-MACHINES IN PARTICULAR, WITH INDEPENDENTLY ACIIONED TILTABLE PLATE This is a continuation of co-pending application Ser. No. 695,490, ?led on Jan. 28, 1985, now abandoned. The present invention provides an object-transpo

CARRIAGE  FOR  SORTING-MACHINES  IN PARTICULAR,  WITH  INDEPENDENTLY ACI'IONED  TILTABLE  PLATE This  is a  continuation  of  co-pending  application Ser. No. 695,490, ?led on  Jan. 28,  1985, now  abandoned. The  present invention provides an object-transport ing  carriage  for  a  transport  and  sorting  machine  having, in particular, an electrically tiltable plate for indepen dently  unloading  ,  i.e. sorting, objects  thereon  precisely and  silently. Various kinds of  sorting apparatuses consisting of  a series  of  conveyor  or  transport  carriages  dragged  along a  ?xed  path  or  track  and  equipped  with  planar, object carrying plates arranged for unloading the objects at pre-determined collecting  or sorting  stations  located along the path or  track are known. These apparatuses are employed whenever there is need to sort a  large number  of  items per hour, (for in stance  in post  offices  or  in  laboratories for  conditioning products). Some  of  them have a pusher element mechanically driven over  an  object  carrying plate by  guides located underneath  the plate for the unloading. 29302
Others have tiltable,  object-carrying plates on car riages dragged along by chains or ?exible belts,  for instance. In  the  latter, the  plate is mechanically  tilted by  cams or other mobile guides,  interacting lever systems, or .other devices connected to rotate  or pivot the plate about  hinged  support from  the carriage. This  system  presents,  however,  some  inconveniences. For  one,  it is very  noisy,  making  the  working  conditions noxious  for  the  operators. For  another,  cam  plate  tilting devices  must  overcome  inertias, mechanical  resistances and frictions, so that it  becomes  necessary to oversize both  the carriage dragging  devices which  also operate the  plate-tilting devices and  the support structures. This results in higher costs and uses greater ?oor space.  Yet  another  lies  in  the  considerable  wear  they  are subjected  to, so  that  they  should  be  frequently  repaired or  kept up. In order to obviate the above inconveniences, the present  invention  provides  a  carriage  for  a  transport  and sorting  apparatus  equipped  with  independent  means  for causing  its plate to tilt,  preferably an  electric motor  or the like  linked  to  the plate  and fed  e.g.,  by sliding contacts and feed rods at both  sides of  its path. In  this manner, quick, precise and  silent operation  is obtained, and  it is possible  to  properly  size  both  the  support  struc tures  and the carriage dragging devices.  It  leads  to saving space and  to a remarkable reduction of  mainte nance  operations. The  present  invention  will  be  now  described  in  detail, with special reference to the accompanying drawings, in which: FIG.  1  is a  front  view  of  part  of  a  carriage  according to the invention; FIG.  2  is a  side  view  of  the  carriage  of  FIG.  1, partly in section; FIG. 3 is  an enlarged rear view of  a portion of  the carriage of  FIG. 1; FIG.  4  is the  perspective  view  of  the  carriage  of  FIG. 1; FIG. 5 is  an enlarged perspective view of a front portion  of  the  carriage of  FIG. 1; 5 25 30 35 45 55 65 FIG. 6  is  a perspective schematic, exploded view  of another carriage 分类机英文文献和中文翻译:http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_24486.html