Hl-H3 will be actuated by the studs 133 when the latter are shifted to the posi tions 3—_g respectively. Accordingly, stockings of one nominal length (which may vary to the extentof % inch) but having different heel heights will be sorted and dis charged respectively into the receptacles R1, R2 and R3. Slightly shorter stockings alike ‘as to length but having heels of different heights will be discharged respectively into the next three receptacles R4, R5 and R6 and so on, the shortest ones being discharged into the receptacles R10, R11 and R12. Real short stockings beyond the reach of movement of the sensing eye 40 will be dis charged into the last receptacle R13 when the rear lugs 29a of the trays supporting such stocking reach the last of the notches 52 and 152 in the rails 22 and 122 which notches, it will be noted from Fig. 4 are without slides. As the trays move forward along the bottom of thema chine toward the feeding end of the latter, the studs 33 and ‘133 on them are gradually restored to their normally retracted positions by engagement with the inclined edges of the cam rails 86 and 186 after the manner shown of one of the studs 33 in Fig. 8. To prepare the machine for sorting stockings accord ing to length only, the selector switch 94 is set to the position L, and the gang switch 125 is clsoed as shown in Fig. 18. By th-us setting the switch 94, the circuit containing the heel scanning eye 140, the coils of the magnetic valve 147 and the relay 193 is opened to pre vent said eye from functioning. .(For the sake of sim plicity of illustration, the eye 140 and ‘associated parts have been omitted from Fig. 18.) Under the conditions just explained, the studs 133 on the trays will remain idle in their normal retracted positions. _However, the other studs 33 on the various trays will be shifted under control of the length scanning eye 40 to the positions a, b, c or d for the ultimate action of the ?rst switches of the groups L1, L2, L3 and L4 depending upon the lengths of the stockings which will be dropped into the receptacles R1, R4, R7 and R10, the valves 162 corre sponding to the magnetic valves 62 actuated through clos ing of said ?rst switches of the respective groups L1-L4 being concurrently actuated due to the bridging of the conductors 126, 127 by the gang switch 125, the corre sponding slides 52 and 152 being thereby withdrawn from the voids ‘53 and 153 in the rails 22 and 122 at opposite sides of the machine for release of the trays in a manner already understood. To prepare the machine for sorting stockings accord ing to heel height only, the gang switch 125 is closed and the selector switch 94 is set to H position as in Fig. 19 as a result of which the ‘scanning eye 40 is rendered inoperative together with the parts controlled thereby, the showing of the latter elements having therefore been omitted from Fig. 19. ‘Under these circumstances the studs 33 on the trays will be unaffected and remain idle in their normal retracted positions. The studs 133 on the successive trays will however be shifted to the positions e, f or g for the ultimate actuation of the switches of the ?rst group H1, H2 and H3 depending on the heel heights of the stockings which will ‘be dropped into either the ?rst, second or third receptacles R1, R2 and R3, the magnetic valves 62 corresponding to the magnetic valves ‘162 actuated through closing of the switches H1, H2 and H3 being concurrently actu 袜子分拣机英文文献和中文翻译(4):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_27347.html