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时间:2017-02-09 13:12来源:毕业论文
and gives extra c1 constraints to the system. Consequently, the system has a total of cC5 degree of freedom. Once P, x x xF and q have been specified, the distillation column has only four remaining

and gives extra c−1 constraints to the system. Consequently,
the system has a total of cC5 degree of freedom. Once P,
x x xF and q have been specified, the distillation column has
only four remaining degrees of freedom:
 three between x x xB and x x xD; and
 one between r and s.
For ternary systems (cD3), we are free to specify three
product compositions (at least one in each product). The re-
maining compositions will be determined from co-linearity
conditions. Since the column has no additional degrees of
freedom for compositions, if the composition profiles inter-
sect, the feed stage location will be fully determined.
For binary systems (cD2), we can independently spec-
ify only two product compositions (one in each product).
Consequently, we have one extra degree of freedom in the
design of a binary distillation column. The feed stage loca-
tion is not fully determined and we are free to choose as
a feed stage any stage between the rectifying and stripping
pinches, where both profiles overlap. Often there are multi-
ple solutions for our design problem, all of which satisfy the
product specifications but require different number of stages
in the column. To obtain the best solution, a one-parameter
optimization is performed to minimize the total number of
stages in the column. The independent variable, !,isthe
normalized distance in the composition space along the pro-
files between both rectifying and stripping pinches.
For four or more component mixtures, the BVDM re-
quires specification of reflux or reboil ratio and three prod-
uct compositions (at least one in each product). Since c4,
none of the products can be fully specified. Thus, for more
than three components, the BVDM requires a search over
the remaining c−3 product compositions until the column
feasibility criterion is satisfied.
Ternary distillation columns with two feeds require extra
specifications. The second feed composition and the feed ra-
tio must be defined. Using a design-by-simulation technique,
the designer is required to provide the second feed plate
location. This is an extra degree of freedom in the design of
double feed columns. In the BVDM, we perform an appro-
priate parametric study and show the results of this study复杂的共沸蒸馏塔的优化设计
1 介绍
通过仿真设计仍然是占主导地位的方法,蒸馏系统的设计是对于复杂的共沸蒸馏系统。但是,这是很繁琐和耗时的,往往需要多年的试验和错误的方法经验。在这种技术中,所有的输入变量(流量,其热力学状态和组成)和过程参数(压力,回流比,塔板数,塔板的位置)被指定,并且用于该组合物的产品的流量计算。这是一个强大的技术性能确定的现有方法。对于设计的目的,然而,它估计需要上述参数的猜测,现有的外推分离系统或通过施加短切的方法(例如芬斯克-安德伍德吉利兰Eduljee柯克布赖德法)[1]。由于这些方法已经开发并用于在一些简化的假设下的理想混合物,或者是不准确的非理想的混合物,并且可以给出初始估计,所以这些方法是最终的解决方案 共沸蒸馏塔优化设计英文文献和翻译(4):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_2746.html