英文翻译资料A。Android Application Development for Dummies welcome to Android Application Development For Dummies, the first For Dummies book that covers Android application development。 WhenI was contacted to write this book, I was ecstatic about the opportunity to spread the wealth of knowledge that I’d picked up over the past year and ahalf of Android development。I hope you enjoy finding out about how to pro-gram for the Android platform from this book as much as I enjoyed writing it!32413
When Android was acquired by Google in 2005 (yes, Android was a start-up
company at one point), I’ll be honest, I didn’t have much interest in it。 I heard
that Google might be entering the mobile space, but as with anything in the
technology industry, I didn’t believe it until I saw it firsthand。 Fast-forward
to a few years later, when Google announced its first Android phone: the G1。
When I heard this news, I was glued to the computer, reading reviews, watch-
ing videos, and researching the product as much as I could。 I knew that this
product would be the start of something huge。
I got my start in Android development about a week after my wife received her
first G1 Android device。 The G1 was the first publicly released Android device。
It didn’t match the rich feature set of the iPhone at the time, but I desperately
believed in the platform。 As soon as Donut (Android 1。6) was released, it was evident that Google was putting some effort into the product。 Immediately after version 1。6 was released, talk of 2。0 was already on the horizon。
Today, we’re on version 2。2 of the Android platform, and 3。0 is just around
the corner。 The platform is barely two years old, and I see no sign of the
platform development slowing down。 Without doubt, this is an exciting time
in Android development。 I hope that your excitement carries through as you
read this book and later as you release your own applications on the market。
Navigate to the folder where you unpacked the Android SDK so that you can begin to explore the folder structure within。 While there are a few files in the root folder, like android。jar (a compiled Java application containing the core SDK libraries and APIs) and some release notes, the remainder of the Android SDK is pided into three main folders:Programs can use interfaces to make it unnecessary for related classes to share a common abstract super class or to add methods to Object。An interface may be declared to be a direct extension of one or more other interfaces, meaning that it implicitly specifies all the member types, abstract methods, and constants of the interfaces it extends, except for any member types and constants that it may hide。A class may be declared to directly implementone or more interfaces, meaning that any instance of the class implements all the abstract methods specified by the interface or interfaces。 A class necessarily implements all the interfaces that its direct superclasses and direct superinterfaces do。 This (multiple) interface inheritance allows objects to support (multiple) common behaviors without sharing any implementation。
The Android documentation is located in the Docs folder within the Android SDK at。。/%sdk folder%/DOCS。 The documentation that is supplied with the SDK includes steps on downloading and installing the SDK, “Getting Started” quick steps for developing applications, and package definitions。 The documentation is in HTML format and can be accessed though the documentation。html file in the root of the SDK folder。 The following illustration depicts the main page of the Android SDK documentation。 Android应用程序英文文献和中文翻译:http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_28979.html