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时间:2019-01-09 20:17来源:毕业论文
The 21st century, in the new situation of economic globalization, with capital, technology and labor market re-integration of equipment manufacturing in China after joining the WTO will become the wor

  The 21st century, in the new situation of economic globalization, with capital, technology and labor market re-integration of equipment manufacturing in China after joining the WTO will become the world's equipment manufacturing base.  In the modern manufacturing industry, no matter which industry, engineering equipment, are increasingly used to provide the products from the mold industry.  In order to meet the user's high-precision mold manufacturing, short delivery time, the urgent demand low-cost, mold industry is extensive application of modern advanced manufacturing technology to speed up the mold industry, technological progress, to meet the basic sectors of the mold process equipment urgent needs.
据统计,在家电、玩具等轻工行业,近90%的零件是综筷具生产的;在飞机、汽车、农机和无线电行业,这个比例也超过60%。例如飞机制造业,某型战斗机模具使用量超过三万套,其中主机八千套、发动机二千套、辅机二万套。从产值看,80年代以来,美、日等工业发达国家模具行业的产值已超过机床行业,并又有继续增长的趋势。据国际生产技术协会预测,到2000年,产品尽件粗加工的75%、精加工的50%将由模具完成;金属、塑料、陶瓷、橡胶、建材等工业制品大部分将由模具完成,50%以上的金属板材、80%以上的塑料都特通过模具转化成制品。 模具的发展英文文献和中文翻译(8):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_29129.html