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时间:2019-02-16 10:20来源:毕业论文
In the numer-ical simulation, the same amount of scalar was added at thecorresponding position with the injection velocity equalsexactly to the local fluid velocity.Whats more, the transientprocess i

In the numer-ical simulation, the same amount of scalar was added at thecorresponding position with the injection velocity equalsexactly to the local fluid velocity.What’s more, the transientprocess in the stirred tank was captured at a rate of 50frames per second. The time between two successive record-ings was 0.02 s, which is 1% of the total injection time. In thenumerical simulation, the concentration of the scalar wassampled at an interval of 0.01 s.5. ConclusionsThe mixing process in an unbaffled tank stirred by a four-pitched-blade turbin was numerically simulated by using theDES model. The impeller was considered with the details of theblade geometry and the SM method was used for the simulationof the impeller rotation. The mixing pattern and mixing time werepredicted using the commercial CFD software Fluent 6.3. Thenumerical predictions were compared with the experimental datathat are available in the literature. Results show that mixing timein the eccentric stirred tank depends on the position of themeasur-ing point. In addition, mixing time decreases with the increase ofeccentricity. Comparisons of the DES and PLIF data show that thenumerically predicted mixing time compares well with the exper-imental results, with an average overprediction of within 20%. Thegood agreements indicate that DES model coupled with the SMmethod can be used to simulate the mixing processes in stirredtanks accurately.AcknowledgementsFinancial support from Independent Innovation Foundation ofShandong University (No. 2010GN052) and Shandong scientificand technological project (No. 2009GG10007019) are gratefullyacknowledged.
关键词:搅拌釜,偏心搅拌,混合,计算流体动力学,分离涡模拟,滑动网 搅拌釜内混合液体的分离涡模拟英文文献和中文翻译(6):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_30250.html