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时间:2019-03-08 19:56来源:毕业论文
.Output Item and B to appropriate queue.If I b, then Comparator(b) = Item.End repeat.and a memory module whose algorithm for the first pass isInitialize: Counter = 0 and Bucket(0) =Repeat for each ite

.Output Item and B to appropriate queue.If I < b, then Comparator(b) = Item.End repeat.and a memory module whose algorithm for the first pass isInitialize: Counter = 0 and Bucket(0) =Repeat for each itemIncrement Counter.Get Item and B from queue.Mem(Counter) = Item.Link(Counter) = Bucket(B).Bucket(B) = Counter.End repeat.To avoid the need for later merging of sublists, all the dis-tributors must use the same set of node values during the firstpass. This is accomplished by loading the first (b - 1) itemvalues into all the distributors (the items are stored only once,in the appropriate memory), and each distributor starts in-puting its own subset of items starting with the bth item. Tokeep track of the order of the node values, a special set ofbuckets is used for the first (b - 1) items (the buckets associ-ated with each memory contain only values for the sublistsstored in the memory).Given the above assumptions, during the first pass all Ssorters input items simultaneously and, using the same set ofnode values, distribute the items to one of the 2S memories.[If the item is assigned to the ith sublist, it is stored in memoryi(mod 2S).] At the end of the first pass, each memory modulecontains a set Iof sublists stored as linked lists and a bucketpointing to the last entry in each sublist. The sublists are iinkedtogether by values in a special 'set of buckets.Starting with the second pass, each distributor is assigneda separate sublist which it then sorts and outputs in the usualmanner. To do this, the memory module algorithm is expandedto link bucket values together; that is, the statementIf Counter <b, then Bucket(Counter) = Bucket (B)Link(B) = CounterEnd ifis added to the memory module algorithm and the distributorand memory module work together to act as a single BTsorter.To coordinate the distributors, a controller is used whichassigns memory modules and sublists to distributors. Thecontroller can also assign workloads so that different lists arebeing sorted simultaneously with the number of distributorsand memory modules assigned to sorting a list being propor-tional to the length.of the list or the sort speed required.Fig. 2 summarizes the overall design. At the beginning of682
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