Fractionating and absorption columns are one of the basic and most important forms of technologi- cal apparatus in petroleum refining, petrochemical, and other industries. Up to 1962, domestic petroleum refining machine factories put out principally fractionating or other column apparatus with channeled plates or bubble caps. The increasing volume of petroleum refining, the need for preparing pure products for the needs of chemical industry, plus other factors, required the production of new, large-sized, metal-construction, highly productive apparatus, to ensure reliable operation and sharp product separation. For these purposes, eight test units have been made up in the State Scientific-Research and Plan- ning Institute for Petroleum Equipment ("Giproneftemash"), designed to carry out experimental con- structional and investigative work connected with the production and introduction of new types of frac- tionating columns into domestic industry. The units made up, with diameters from 300 to 1200 ram, operate on the systems air - water or o-xylene - toluene, at temperatures up to 200~ and pressures of 1 to 10 kg/cm 2, One of the main units operating on the water-air system (cold) is a column of Plexiglas, 1200ram in diameter, in which three of the plates to be tested are set up. The unit operates on a closed cycle with respect to water, 34143
which is transferred by a pump from a reservoir which serves as the base of the column and is fed onto the upper plate. Air is taken in from the atmosphere by a blower, is fed under the lower plate and, passing through the plates and a baffle set on the upper plate, exits into the atmosphere. Tests on the unit are carried out by a method which provides for determination of the hydraulic resistance of a plate or its component parts, liquid entrainment onto the next higher plate, operating range of the plato (as a function of entrainment or plate flooding), static level of liquid on the plate, longitudinal liquid mixing, concentration distribution of liquid with respect to the plate, mass-transfer on the plate, etc. Plate operation at air velocities up to 3 m/sec and water input up to 100 m~/h can be studied on this unit. After positive results had been obtained from studies on "cold" units and a final analysis of the construction, studies were carried out on a two-column "hot" unit of 1200 mm diameter, which operated on the system o-xylene - toluene at temperatures up to 200~ and pressures up to 10 kg/cm 2. The assembly provided for operation Fig. 1. Operator unit for fractionation in an experimental-test station of the "Gipro- neftemash. ~ Fig. 2. Plate of S-shaped elements. C 30g ,-----L_ r 2 N, %, 2# 40 Lv, ma/m.h Fig. 3. Region of stable opera- tion of fraetionating column plates with S-shaped elements, when Hp=600mm: 1) Line of maximum allowable loads; 2) line of minimum allowable loads. in a closed system with partial or total reflux, in a complete column (with feed supply into the middle part of the column), in a stripping column (with feed onto the upper plate) or in a concentration column (with feed under the lower plate). The assembly consisted of two columns of 1200 mm diameter and of about 10 m height. For visual observation and photographing of processes occurring on the plates, the column had observation ports of 120 mm diameter. To study the effect of spacing between plates, the support rings for the plates in one column were set up with intervals of 150 ram, and in the other with intervals of 200 ram. Therefore, in one column the plates could be set up with a spacing between them of 150, 300 or 450 ram, and in the other, with spacing of 200, 400 or 600 ram. For convenience in carrying out the studies, the columns were set up in parallel, which allowed one simultaneously to conduct an experiment in one column and to adjust plates in the other. The assembly was provided with two reboilers having a heating surface of 70 m 2 each and two heat exchanger-heaters with a heating surface of 50 m 2 each. Condensation of distillate vapors was accom- plished in two condensers with an overall cooling surface of 140 m 2 and two coolers 分馏塔结构英文文献和中文翻译: