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时间:2019-05-04 21:40来源:毕业论文
The Bridge over the Ijssel- a Railway Bridge in Line with the Landscape Hans-Joachim Casper Keywords: railway bridge, steel structure, design and build. Abstracts: The new 930m long railway bridge over the Ijssel is an essential part of the

The Bridge over the Ijssel- a Railway Bridge in Line with the Landscape Hans-Joachim Casper" Keywords: railway bridge, steel structure, design and build. Abstracts: The new 930m long railway bridge over the  Ijssel  is an essential part of  the Hanzelijn a 50km  long, double-tracked newly built  line in  the Netherlands between Zwolle and Lelystad  at the  Ijsselmeer. The bridge  is  the winning  design  of a  design  and build competition and an outstanding example of  architecturally appealing bridge construction. 1.  Introduction The new Ijssel Bridge  is part of  the Hanzelijn a 50km-Iong newly built railway line in the Netherlands between Lelystad at the  Ijsselmeer and Zwolle  in the  interior.  35155
The Hanzelijn provides an efficient transport connection between  the north of  the country and  the conurba-tion areas of  Amsterdam and Rotterdam in the wesl Construction of  the double-tracked line started in 2007. It  is designed for passenger and freight traffic and design speed is 160km/h. Fundamental project of  this east-west connection is the crossing of  the Ijssel between Zwolle and Hattem. The double-tracked structure crosses  the  Ijssel,  its foreland areas  and the Gelderse Dijk with span widths of33.13 + 4 x 40.0 + 75.0 + 150.0 + 75.0 + 10 x 40.0 + 33.34 ~  926.47m. In  the layout, on the side ofHattem, up to the Ijssel the bridge runs in a straight line to which is linked a clothoid on the side of Zwolle that transitions into a radius in front of  the abutmenl A particularity of  the bridge is the switches in every track  leading to a wideuing of up to 7.65m of  the superstructure at the abutment Hattem. The client ProRaiI, Utrecht,  engaged the  construction  consortium Welling-Ziiblin to-gether with the architects Quist Wmtermans, Rotterdam, and the design joint venture SSF, Munich, and ABT, Arnbeim,  to build the railway bridge. The steel superstructure was pro-duced by Max Bog!, Amsterdam. 2.  Awarding Procedure and Project Requirements The bridge is the winning design of  a design and built competition of  five prequalified con-sortiums each consisting of  construction companies, architects and designers. Project requirements defined by Ibe client in Ibe tender documents consisted mainly of functional and  technical requirements in combination wilb additional conditions of  so-called RAMS requirements.
RAMS  requirements  are  Reliability  requirements,  i.e.  a minimum period of  time  in which Ibe  structure must  fulfil  its  function wilbout breakdown, Availability  requirements standing for  Ibe life cycle in consideration of  accepted failures and  planned decommissioning in view of  maintenance works, requirements regarding possibilities and duration of Mainte-nance works and Safety requirements Ibat are to be guaranteed by planning protective meas-ures, rescue accesses, escape routes or fire extinguishing devices. As life cycle for Ibe main load-bearing structure 100 years were stipulated, and 25  to 50 years  for  secondary  construction  elements  and  technical  equipment depending  on Ibe inpidnal element. Further requirements were related to construction execution oflbe bridge such as meet-ing  construction  time  limits  and  respectiog  traffic  routes,  noise  regulations,  protection of cables and conducts or water protection. Central Ibeme of  Ibe interactive competition was to obtain a high-quality and aeslbetic structure  achieving high  acceptance  amongst Ibe  population.  In addition  to  technical  and economic aspects, Ibe outside design comprising Ibe choice of  Ibe load-bearing system was Ibus put in Ibe foreground. The bidding  joint venture established Ibe design in close dialogue wilb Ibe client. Dur-ing  regular meetiogs  Ibe  state of  Ibe  design was  presented  to  Ibe  client  and  Ibe  different companies had Ibe chance to ask questions and clarify Ibe construction task. Questions were answered in written by  Ibe client. The client Iboroughly analysed static-structural and opera-tional aspects as well as design, durability and maintenance. In  addition to wanting to obtain Ibe best offer in terms of  architecture and economic efficiency, Ibe client focused on Ibe con-dition of  a gnaranteed transparent technical and financial basis in view of  flawless construc-tion processes and commissioning of  a functional, durable and maintenance-friendly bridge. The required extent of  final offer documents included detailed descriptions,  specifica-tions and offer price, detailed drawings of  Ibe bridge, construction schedules,  a substantia-tion of  Ibe design work wilb systems engineering documents as described below as well as a bridge model. For Ibese services, each participant was reimbursed wilb 0.75% oflbe indicated maxi-mum construction costs. Awarding criteria were wilb 65% Ibe architectural, functional and technical design and wilb ouly 35% Ibe costs. The maximum costs oflbe bridge were limited to 50 Mio. €. 铁路桥英文文献和中文翻译:http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_32979.html