For this purpose the simulation platformTRNSYS has been used (see TRNSYS [3]). Specificsub-routines for modeling of the co-generation unitand the desiccant air handling unit with two coolingcoils have been developed. A 2-step approach has been used: in a first step a building simulation of the secondfloor of the AMG- building in Palermo has been per-formed. Thereby an annual load file containing hourly,values of cooling/heating loads and ambient air temper-ature and humidity values was produced. Based on thisload file a simulation of the technical system as shown inFig. 11 has been carried out.For this purpose the following control scheme hasbeen used (scheme according to Fig. 7):• During use of the building (workdays from 8 a.m. to 6p.m.) the air handling unit is operated with a constantvolume flow (fresh air) of 1100 m3/h. This fresh airdemand results from the occupation in the building.• With increasing cooling loads priority is given to thethermally driven cooling, i.e., as long as the humidityof ambient air allows use of evaporative cooling inthe supply air, the air handling unit is operatedaccording to the cycle shown in Fig. 2.• As soon as the humidity ratio of the supply airexceeds the desired level, the evaporative cooler inthe supply air is switched off and the cooling-coilbefore the sorptive wheel is switched on. The massflow through this coil is adjusted in order to controlthe supply air humidity ratio. The second cooling coilis also switched on and used to control the supply airtemperature.• The fan-coil system is operated in order to purgeexcess sensible loads which are not covered by theair handling unit.• During winter the heat recovery unit is employed topre-heat the fresh air. The air is further heated withwaste heat from the co-generation system using thesecond coil.In Fig. 13 the temperatures at different positions ofthe desiccant air handling unit are shown for a sequenceof three subsequent days in September. Fig. 14 showsthe corresponding time profiles of the humidity ratio.It can be clearly seen that on the first day the cooling coilfor pre-dehumidification is operated all the time whileon the other days the humidity of ambient air is low en-ough at most times that the sorptive wheel achieves asufficiently low value of supply air humidity.6. ConclusionsDifferent design options of air handling units usingsorptive wheels for climates with a high level of environ-mental air humidity are presented and compared. Basedon the comparison of the configurations at design condi-tions, a system using a combination of sorptive wheelsand cooling coils was selected. An electricity saving ofmore than 30% compared to a conventional air handlingunit is expected by using waste heat of a co-generationunit.
A pilot system has been installed at the buildingof the gas utility (AMG) in Palermo/Sicily. The systemwill be monitored during the first half year of 2004.AcknowledgementsWe gratefully acknowledge support from the Euro-pean Union for the MITES project.References[1] M. Motta, Thermodynamic design and optimisation of solarassisted desiccant cooling cycles for Italian climates, PhD Thesis,Universita ` degli studi di Genova, Italy, 2001.[2] M. Motta, H.M. Henning, C. Hindenburg, L. Schnabel, Aninnvotive approach towards solar desiccant cooling systems yearlysimulations, in: Proceedings of ISES Solar World Congress,Gothenborg/Sweden, 2003.[3] TRNSYS: TRNSYS—A Transient System Simulation Program—aprogram developed at the Solar Energy Laboratory, University ofWisconsin, Madison, USA, 2002. Available from: <>.
摘要: 地中海国家呈现两个特点,装有空调的建筑物:至少在沿海地区,冷负荷高而且不断增加还有相对湿度高。在这方面的贡献,我们报告了又关微型热电冷联产系统(电能+暖气+冷气)发展,配备了适应地中海条件,能从热点联产(CHP)的周期中获得热量使干燥剂再生的基本转子除湿系统。
本文描述了先进的空气除湿处理机组的设计,该空气除湿处理机组采用了有较高蒸发温度的蒸汽压缩式制冷机和一个除湿转轮(硅胶)的高效组合。制冷机组的电流是由热电联产系统提供以及再生干燥剂的热量亦是热电联产的废热。模拟系统已用于优化水力设计和操作策略,以减低经营称成本,并最大限度地节省能源。一些行的组件模型,例如:为了改善除湿循环的目的,作此用途。最后描述了冷热电联产系统,蒸发压缩式制冷机,先进的空气除湿处理机组以及负荷系统组成的整个系统的设计。负荷系统是由办公室的房间内德一个与感应系统相连的空调风管和一个风机盘管的冷冻水网。 热电冷联产户式空调系统英文文献和中文翻译(4):