3.2 based on optimization algorithm of intelligent strip layout model
In order to achieve higher material utilization, blank knowledge model was established, the results are stored in knowledge base established basis other modules.
In the knowledge base there are four arrangement type:
Arranged layout pattern determined
With an array of Washington relative pattern
Second-ranking arranged layout mode two
With two second-ranking arranged layout relative mode
The purpose of establishing the knowledge model is to improve the material utilization. The restrictions by knowledge can provide human experts to choose from. This knowledge model control over the whole arrangement design process.
Figure 3 shows the layout rating system structure
The first kind of mode selection function is roughly calculated the numerical and working area general outline. This model provides the original parameters. All the information is roughly value resulting from them, no matter the figures are outlined draw or selected.
The second mode used to determine the layout type, Angle range, layout size and strip the width.
The third kind of mode applied optimization algorithm. Design results include material utilization, material width and every step clearance are kept in this mode, the different layout drawing also generate.
In the fourth mode can modify layout results. Eventually parameters include clearance, material each step of grid, and the width, the ability to switch. When the parameters change, layout plans can be updated.
This knowledge is the main purpose of the algorithm to optimize the layout planning. This algorithm six steps.
1. The most suitable around in graphics rectangular first generation. The original copy and the distance between the approach is included in the net. Figure 4 shows the algorithm.
2. The value of the two ring is among a computation. The two ring is decomposed into line and arc units. The distance between each element needs to compensation. And then you can find the shortest distance.
3. The minimum value and calculated the value of the required the difference between is error. When the error less than value, arrangement planning can be completed. In addition, graphic layout to follow the direction of the view movement.
Graph 4: arrangement algorithm. A primitive Angle graphics. B rotation Angle of graphics after
4. Material utilization in layout's point of view is calculated.
5. Arrangement graphics rotating certain Angle. Rotating center near the center is the rectangular roughly value. Material utilization in the current Angle was calculated.
6. Arrangement graphics rotated to another Angle. Repeat the steps of the third part, until Angle reached 180 degrees.
Figure 5 shows is the arrangement design results.
Graph 5: row kind of intelligent design results.
The development of 3.3 ribbon layout
The layout of the shingles rule was integration process in knowledge base level into tool design. This intelligent model function is: select parts location, design azimuth and arrange ribbon work step distance. In order to solve the operational procedures, and the rules should be reasonable and effective formulated.
Automatic design module is intelligent model in the most important modules. Artificial intelligence technology has been applied in this module. This model, including the pretreatment module orientating products module and extracted from the product modularization accurate information. In order to modify module generates a model, initial design engineering is modified [11]. The modified module instead of processing module. Figure 6 shows the layout of the model and the algorithm for shingles.
3.3.1 automatic ribbon layout design preprocessing
1) determine the position and permutations. Parts The user can use interface to determine some of the preconditioning module parameter. The process can determine the position and other elements, such as: to do together shape and size accuracy, parts and user requirements. 智能冲压工艺规划系统英文文献和中文翻译(3):