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时间:2016-11-26 20:42来源:毕业论文
Alignment of the Fibrils. Hydroxyethyl cellulose, average Mv 1.3 Mg/mol, substitution degree 1.5, molar substitution 2.5 ethylene oxide groups per anhydroglucose unit was purchased from Aldrich. HEC w

Alignment of the Fibrils. Hydroxyethyl cellulose, average Mv ≈ 1.3
Mg/mol, substitution degree 1.5, molar substitution 2.5 ethylene oxide
groups per anhydroglucose unit was purchased from Aldrich. HEC was
dissolved in water and mixed with a 0.1 wt % TEMPO-NFC dispersion
using magnetic stirring overnight. The amount of HEC and TEMPO-
NFC were chosen to have 20 wt % HEC in the final composite (see ref
19 for more details on the preparation). The mixtures were degassed
and then vacuum filtered on a glass filter funnel using a 0.65 μm filter
membrane (DVPP, Millipore). The wet nanocomposite cake formed
at the end of the filtration was taken, cut into strips, stretched, and
dried as described above.Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM). The
TEMPO-NFC were dried using carbon dioxide supercritical drying
and the procedure is explained in details elsewhere.
They were
observed by SEM using a Hitachi S-4800 equipped with a cold field
emission electron source. The samples were coated with graphite and
gold−palladium using Creesington 208 HR sputter coaters (ca. 5 nm).
Secondary electron detector was used for capturing images at 1 kV.
Light Transmittance. Regular light transmittance was measured
using a UV−visible spectrophotometer (Cary 1E, Varian Corp.) by
placing the specimens in the entrance port of the detection system.
Percent transmittance at 200−800 nm was recorded.
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Nanoscope IIIa AFM
(Picoforce SPM, Veeco, Santa Barbara, CA) was used to view surface
micrographs of TEMPO-NFC nanopapers. All measurements were
performed in the tapping mode with a scan rate of 2 Hz/512 dots
using standard noncontact silicon cantilevers (RTESP, Veeco, Santa摘  要
细钢丝生产工业进行多为(也被称为多通道或多阶段)冷拔。在这一过程中,后张力和滑移的适当组合可以提高过程的稳定性和,反过来,可以减少模具的磨损在成形的时候。本系列的每个连续的步骤基本上由通过减少杆的横截面积。除了交流的拉拔力,反力也要达到在一个多步配置和最有利的绘图条件。参与试验过程中的主要变量的导线直径的减速比,入模角的半,在杆模具界面摩擦条件,绘制速度,和数量的线圈在各绘图环。在绘图的导线的力学行为的分析必须考虑,即是对于单一步骤的情况下,各种复杂的现象,在其形成过程的发展。近年来,这一过程的分析包含了不同的主题如:评估的绘图参数的影响的材料的响应,与分析结果有限元模拟比较,在单个和多步处理后张力的估计,钢丝断裂夹杂物的影响,磨损预测,实验残余应力评价和数值,在高速成形的应变率效应,不同的时间下的形成,和纹理的发展。多步拉丝的应变硬化材料所经历的整个过程有的估计是一个困难的问题,由于渐进发展的不均匀变形和应力线不和后在材料的残余分布。这实际上排除了现有的单通道分析模型多通过组态的直接应用。几种有限元应变配方包括在拉丝模具的界面摩擦条件下已假设一个塑性或材料粘塑性响应这一过程的分析应用。此外,一些这样的公式与实验数据进行了考虑不同材料的棒的验证。然而,只有少数的研究者主要集中在材料响应的演变的数值模拟多步拉丝。在本文致力于模拟与实验值多步拉丝过程的特定序列,通常应用于工业生产的钢焊丝生产成型制。采用多步拉丝工艺由模具钢的机械特性。各向同性的强化反应对应于这个过程的每个阶段的不同线径是通过一系列的拉伸试验,首次获得。数值模拟的应力和应变模式,在这样的测试开发允许的硬化参数描述材料在整个范围内的推导线减少。然后,拔制力在上述多步拉丝工艺在实验室规模不同拉伸速度下进行与三重目标测量的频率依赖性TIC参数测定,模具接口在线估计的摩擦系数,并与仿真结果的实验验证。 钢棒多步拉丝工艺仿真英文参考文献和翻译(4):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_379.html