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时间:2019-09-17 20:22来源:毕业论文
In the past 15 years, Web browsers have become the universal front end to database applications, connecting to the back end through the Internet. Browsers use a standardized syntax, the HyperText Mark

    In the past 15 years, Web browsers have become the universal front end to database applications, connecting to the back end through the Internet. Browsers use a standardized syntax, the HyperText Markup Language (HTML)standard,which supports both formatted display of information, and creation of forms-based interfaces. The HTML standard is independent of the operating system or browser, and pretty much every computer today has a Web browser installed.Thus a Web-based application can be accessed from any computer that is connected to the Internet.
Unlike client–server architectures, there is no need to install any application-specific software on client machines in order to use Web-based applications.However, sophisticated user interfaces, supporting features well beyond what is possible using plain HTML, are now widely used, and are built with the script-ing language JavaScript, which is supported by most Web browsers. JavaScript programs, unlike programs written in C, can be run in a safe mode, guarantee-ing they cannot cause security problems. JavaScript programs are downloaded transparently to the browser and do not need any explicit software installation on the user’s computer.
While the Web browser provides the front end for user interaction, application programs constitute the back end. Typically, requests from a browser are sent to a Web server, which in turn executes an application program to process the request.A variety of technologies are available for creating application programs that run at the back end, including Java servlets, Java Server Pages (JSP), Active Server Page (ASP), or scripting languages such as PHP, Perl, or Python.
In the rest of this chapter, we describe how to build such applications, starting with Web technologies and tools for building Web interfaces, and technologies for building application programs, and then covering application architectures,and performance and security issues in building applications.
对应用程序的用户界面和9.1节的介绍后,我们专注于基于Web界面的应用程序的开发。我们在9.2节中对Web技术进行了概述,并讨论了Java Servlet技术,在9.3节它被广泛用于构建Web应用程序。通过一个简短的概述,部分介绍9.4节的Web应用程序架构。在9.5节,我们讨论快速开发应用程序工具,而在9.6节我们将讨论构建大型应用程序的性能问题。在9.7节,我们讨论应用程序的安全问题。第9.8节是我们的结论章,其中涵盖加密及其应用的使用。 应用程序的设计和开发英文文献和中文翻译(2):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_39394.html