B. The Main Function of CAD System The roller CAD system have function module as follows:
1). Parameter–inputting module can be used for inputting the parameters of the involute spline, the setting parameters for roller, etc..
2). Shape-caculating module is used to get the theoretical axial section of roller through the roller design model.
3).Amend module is used to modify the axial section obtained by calling the experimental data from the database.
4).Design module is used to design the structure and shape of the roller.
5).Title bar design module is used to design the title bar .In this module ,the user will input the contents of the title bar in the first dialog interface .Then the module will build the title bar automatically with the content and the roller drawing will be made.
The flow of CAD system is shown as Fig3.
Fig3. The flow of the roller CAD system
C. How to Develop Roller CAD System
The roller CAD system is developed by use of AutoCAD. And the ObjectARX ,which is the developing tools offered by AutoCAD , and Visual C++ 6.0 is used as the programmer tools. The main program use ObjectARX to call the complier and linker in Visual C++ and the Roller.exe can be built,
which can load the external command in AutoCAD to realize the functions in the roller CAD system. The system is based on the object-orientation theory and the data structure, class, is used to make the whole program more efficient and more convenient. According to the functions of the system, some class are defined, such as the data –inputting class CparametersInputDlg, equation-solving class Cequationcal and the shape-amending class CoutlineReviseCal ,etc..
The curve of the axial section in roller is very complicated. The main method to machining the roller is grinding. So the simulation system is to simulate the grinding process and build the mathematical model of roller grinding. The important factors, such as the shape of grinding wheel and the wheel center’s track in the grinding process, must be taken into account. Generally speaking, there are three types of grinding wheel: the forming wheel, the wheel with triangle section and the arc wheel. As to grinding with forming shape wheel, the roller shape’s precise lie on the wheel shape’s precise. Because of the limited width of the wheel, the large roller can’t be
machining. The wheel with the triangle section is prone to wear and tear and must be repaired in time. And only the small amount of feed can be used to achieve wanted surface roughness. Sum up the factors above, the grinding wheel with arc is adopted.
A. The Mathematics Model of Grinding Process Using Roller
In order to make the correct grinding process, it must be made sure that in any moment of grinding process, the roller must be tangent to the grinding wheel. So at any point in the roller’s outline,the radius of curvature Rw must be larger or equal to the radius of the grinding wheel, which means:
Rg ≤ Rw (13)
At same time, the equations below must be sure:
θ1≤Βc (14)
θ2≤Βd (15)
where, θ1 is the angle between the normal at the start point in the grinding wheel and the axis of the wheel. Βc is the angle between the normal at the start point in the roller and the axis of the grinding wheel. θ2 is the angle between the normal at the end point in the grinding wheel and the axis of the wheel. Βd is the normal at the end point in the roller and the axis of wheel. To ensure the roller’s precise, let the highest point in the residual area of grinding surface equal to the minimum distance between the point m and any point in the roller’s outline (as shown in Fig.4) . Suppose the coordinate of point m is xm , ym and the coordinate of one point in the roller ‘s outline is x(u),y(u). So the distance S between the two points can be shown as follows: 加工渐开线花键辊英文文献和中文翻译(3):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_4689.html