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时间:2020-05-16 20:05来源:毕业论文
Art Deco had only a temporary life in the late 1920s and the 1930s. The designs tended to be geometric, in keeping with the severe geometry of the new architecture. which in turn seemed to many to nee

Art Deco had only a temporary life in the late 1920s and the 1930s. The designs tended to be geometric, in keeping with the severe geometry of the new architecture. which in turn seemed to many to need some kind of decorative relief.

Art Deco could also be based on natural form. Whether floral, Animal, or human, this usually was simplified and stylized until it worked agreeably with the surrounding architecture. In the end, however, it was decided that no decoration was best of all, which stripped architecture of one of its richest artistic heritages.

The Chrysler Building rose to a height of just over 1000 feet (305 m). For a brief moment it was the tallest building in the world-until the Empire State Building topped out at 1250 feet (381 m) one year later (Fig. 2724).

The Empire State Building is an archetypal but successful example of the commercialism that beset corporate architecture ac the time. William F. Lamb (1883-1952), one of the designers. freely admitted that all handwork was eliminated because it was cost-effective to do so. Nevertheless, the building proved that the skyscraper did not need decoration such as that found on the Tribune Tower to be successful. In fact, it showed that the beauty of a building can reside in its design, exquisite craftsmanship, and materials, rather than in applied decoration.

The Empire State Building, constructed of stone and steel, is of a simpler, bolder, more massive form than the Chrysler Building. From its base, a tasteful setback scheme allows a fine transition into the shaft of the tower. At the very top, the spire is itself an extension of the architectural form. The vertical accent is carried the full height of the eighty-five- story building by the rib system used on all four sides.



    莱特定居在威斯康星州的家庭农场,这农场在Spring Green附近,并在1911开始在塔利辛建立他的often-remodeled之家和工作室。他在芝加哥建立中途岛花园(1913),里面有条惬意休闲的拱廊,几年后在东京他忙于设计抗震帝王大酒店。在1920年代,莱特在加利福尼亚建造了一批别墅,源^自!751/文-论/文*网[www.751com.cn,完成工作之后他返回日本。他在帕萨迪纳的米勒德的建造了一所房子(1923),其墙壁可作为装饰屏风,是其著作中最著名的。在30年代中期,莱特关注的是他自己称作莱特美国风的homes-modest和相对造价低的住宅。在这些建筑中往往是他预制装配的一个自己动手的工程。第一个建在威斯康星州麦迪逊的赫伯特雅可布别墅(1936),是一个很好的例子。


    尽管其他行业都受到了上世纪30年代的大萧条的影响,法兰克·劳埃德·莱特的职业生涯却在1937年凭借创造的流水别墅和他的著作the Kaufmann House-one经历了复苏。



