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时间:2020-05-24 09:43来源:毕业论文
(1.青岛科技大学机电工程学院, 青岛 266061; 2.青岛科技大学信息科学技术学院, 青岛 266061) 摘 要:提出了一种面向机器人参与机械加工的智能柔顺控制策略,通过一个模糊阻抗控制器和一

(1.青岛科技大学机电工程学院, 青岛 266061; 2.青岛科技大学信息科学技术学院, 青岛 266061) 摘   要:提出了一种面向机器人参与机械加工的智能柔顺控制策略,通过一个模糊阻抗控制器和一个速度控制器,该策略被应用于机器人切除毛刺操作中。模糊阻抗控制器可以根据机器人末端实际位置和期望位置的误差调整阻抗参数,从而提高控制性能和加工效果。而模糊速度控制器被用来调节工具进给速度,从而彻底清除较大的毛刺,避免损害工件和刀具,得到理想的加工表面。为了验证控制策略的柔顺控制能力,以一个三关节机器人进行了计算机仿真,仿真结果表明提出的策略能够很好提高控制性能,获得理想的加工效果。49544
Introduction1 In operations of the robotic manufacturing, the tools contact with wokpieces. It is necessary to control the contact forces between the tools and workpieces as well as to control the tools positions. Robotic deburring process is a typical and harder task within robotic manufacturing, for the burrs sizes and locations are highly variable and can not be predicted.   Impedance control is an effective method to control tangential and normal force simultaneously for the robotic deburring process[1-2]. However, the conventional impedance control assumes that accurate system parameters and dynamic model are available. Furthermore, impedance parameters such as inertia, damping and stiffness are fixed in conventional impedance control method. In reality, these parameters 
                                                        Received date: 2006-04-20           Revised date: 2007-03-12 Biography: Wang Xian-lun (1978-), male, Shandong, Ph.D., research direction is intelligent control of robotic manipulators; Cui Yu-xia (1976-), female, Shandong, undergraduate, teaching assistant, research direction is mechatronics. may vary according to the change of operation conditions and are usually unknown, which results in higher impact during transition and a poor force tracking performance. To overcome these problems, fuzzy logic was applied for control to deal with the uncertainty environments[3-6]. The aim of the above methods is to get constant desired force. When the burrs are small and uniform, they are effective for robotic deburring. When the variations of the burr size are larger and the burrs are greater, the normal force can no longer be used as an accurate measure of the chamfer depth. The control strategy based on constant force will result in an uneven chamfer for its characteristics in nature. In addition, when the force required removing burrs is equal to or greater than the force required chamfering, in order to obtain the desired contour, the feedrate in tangential direction and the parameters of the impedance control will be changed largely. But the contact stability conditions impose some limitations on the impedance control parameters and the feedrate. An intelligent force / position control is proposed based on impedance control for robotic deburring process. The fuzzy logic is applied to control to deal with the high vary of burrs. Under this strategy, the impedance parameters are modified by a fuzzy control algorithm to reduce the impact and remove general uniform burrs, and the feedrate is adjusted when deburring tools encounter the bigger burrs and cavity.  1  Model of robotic deburring process For carbide rotary files, the average cutting force in deburring can be given as FKav =××                              (1) Where,  F is the resultant cutting force(N),  K is the cutting stiffness (N/mm2/s) , a is the depth of cut(mm), v  is the federate(mm), The cutting force,  F can be resolved into two planar normal and tangential components as  nn F RF =⋅ ,  ttF RF =⋅                模糊逻辑的机械手智能力/位控制英文文献和中文翻译:http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_52553.html