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时间:2020-05-24 15:30来源:毕业论文
f(X )=1.0-4.25+2(1.0)+2(4.25)+18.0625=25.3125 步骤5:因为f(X ) f(X ),并且得到新的顶点 X = ,X = ,X = 步骤6:为了收敛,我们计算Q值为 Q= =26.1 因为Q ,我们进行下一

            f(X )=1.0-4.25+2(1.0)+2(4.25)+18.0625=25.3125

步骤5:因为f(X )< f(X ),并且得到新的顶点

            X = ,X = ,X = 


         Q= =26.1

因为Q> ,我们进行下一个迭代。

此过程可以继续进行,直到满足指定的收敛。当收敛满足要求时,最新单形X 的重心可以采取最佳值。


Powell's method is an extension of the basic pattern search method. It is the most widely used direct search method and can be proved to be a method of conjugate  directions [6.7]. A conjugate directions method will minimize a quadratic function in a finite number of steps. Since a general nonlinear function can be approximated reasonably well by a quadratic function near its minimum, a conjugate directions method is expected to speed up the convergence of even general nonlinear objective functions. The definition, a method of generation of conjugate directions and the property of quadratic convergence are presented in this section.

6.7.1 Conjugate Directions

Definition: Conjugate Directions Let A = [A] be an n x n symmetric matrix. A set of n vectors (or directions) {S ,} is said to be conjugate (more accurately A-conjugate) if                            S AS =0 for all   i≠j, i=1,2, …,n,j=1,2, …,n               (6.27)

It can be seen that orthogonal directions are a special case of conjugate directions (obtained with [A] = [I] in Eq. (6.27)).

Definition: Quadratically Convergent Method If a minimization method,using exact arithmetic, can find the minimum point in n steps while minimizing a quadratic function in n variables, the method is called a quadratically convergent method.


Theorem 6.1 Given a quadratic function of n variables and two parallel hyperplanes 1 and 2 of dimension k < n. Let the constrained stationary points of the quadratic function in the hyperplanes be X and X , respectively. Then the line joining X and X  is conjugate to any line parallel to the hyperplanes.

Proof: Let the quadratic function be expressed as

            Q(X)=  X AX+B X+C

The gradient of Q is given by


and hence

             Q(X )- Q(X )=A(X -X )

If S is any vector parallel to the hyperplanes, it must be orthogonal to the gradients Q(X ) and ▽Q(X ).Thus

             S  Q(X )= S A X + S B=0                 (6.28)

             S  Q(X )= S A X + S B=0                (6.29)

By subtracting Eq. (6.29) from Eq. (6.28), we obtain

             S A (X - X )=0                             (6.30)

Hence S and (X - X ) are A — conjugate.

The meaning of this theorem is illustrated in a two-dimensional space in Fig. 6.8.


 If X  and X are the minima of Q obtained by searching along the direction S from two different starting points X  and X , respectively, the line  (X - X )will be conjugate to the search direction S.

Theorem 6.2 If a quadratic function

 Q(X)=  X AX+B X+C                   (6.31)

is minimized sequentially, once along each direction of a set of n mutually conjugate directions, the minimum of the function Q will be found at or before the nth step irrespective of the starting point. 摆线针轮行星传动英文文献和中文翻译(7):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_52643.html
