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时间:2020-05-30 20:43来源:毕业论文
. Our business will be faced besides our standard national engineering works more and more with international markets. The emerging markets in Eastern Europe and Asia will have such a strong demand fo

. Our business will be faced besides our standard national engineering works more and more with international markets. The emerging markets in Eastern Europe and  Asia will have such a strong demand for planning and establishment of modern infrastructure that capacities from all over the world will be asked for in our surveying disciplines.  REFERENCES  CRONENBROECK, W., 2004: Internationales Projektmanagement. Cornelsen Verlag DENK, R. et al., 2006: Risikomanagement im Unternehmen – Ein Überblick. Wirtschaft und Management. Schriftenreihe zur Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Forschung und Praxis, Nr. 4, Fachhochschule des bfi, Vienna FRENKEL, M., 2005: Risk Management, Springer, Berlin MEHLBREUER, A., 2004: Intercultural Project Management – Dream and Reality. ISPRS Congress, WG VI/3, Istanbul PETRING, J., 1998: Land Boundary Demarcation and Management – A contractor’s Point of View. IBRU Workshop: Land Boundary Demarcation and Management, Durham UK SCHROTH, R. and ARNOLD, H.D., 2002: Demarcation of International Border Lines. Proceedings of the FIG Congress, Washington D.C. SCHROTH, R. and ARNOLD, H.D., 2005: International Border Demarcation: Topographic Map Series on Shortest Demand and with Highest Quality. Proceedings of ICA Congress , La Coruña SCHROTH, R., 2006: Fundamentals of Economics and Management of International Projects. Lecture at the Institute of Geomatics, Castelldefels/Barcelona  BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES  Ralf W. Schroth, born in Berlin in the year 1953, studied Geodesy and Surveying from 1972 up to 1977 at the University of Stuttgart.
After the probationary  period for the national surveying administration in the Land Baden-Wuerttemberg he got his degree as legal surveyor in 1979.  He worked as a scientific assistant at the Institute for Photogrammetry at the University of Stuttgart under the leadership of Prof. Fritz Ackermann till 1984. There he was active in the fields of research and development, giving lectures in  Photogrammetry and adjustment theory, software development for aerial  triangulation and photo-reproduction. In 1985 obtaining the degree of Doktor-Ingenieur.  Since 1984 he is working with the company Hansa Luftbild in Muenster, where he is now acting as managing director of Hansa Luftbild Sensorik und Photogrammetrie GmbH and member of the board of the Hansa Luftbild Group.  Ralf Schroth has more than 20 years experiences in business administration and management, project management, Photogrammetry and Geo-Information systems. He introduced different GI-systems at the Hansa Luftbild Group and was in charge of them. Already in 1988 he was announced as a member of the management board at Hansa Luftbild GmbH and co-founded an international group of companies. He was also responsible for general contracting projects on the Arabian Peninsula. He is board member in several affiliated companies in Germany and abroad.  Since 1991 he is a lecturer at the University of Hanover for business administration and management for surveying engineers. In 1997 he got the appointment as honorary Professor from the University of Hanover. Since 2004 he is also lecturer at the Institute of Geomatics at the Polytechnic University of Barcelona.  Ralf Schroth is Vice President of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG). Member of the German Associations for Surveying (DVW) and Photogrammetry (DGPF).  He published more than 40 technical and scientific papers and gave more than 60 presentations in the field of Photogrammetry, GIS and management. 


    因此,国际工程项目管理理论将以它的组织结构、 教育和个人技能的要求加以说明。从长期的国际项目与所有我们测绘学科整合的例子,像大地测量、 测量、 摄影测量或制图展示等实例中汲取经验和教训。 国际工程项目组织与管理英文文献和参考文献(5):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_53355.html
