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时间:2020-05-30 21:04来源:毕业论文
Then, a fully electronic government procurementsystem may be established.AcknowledgementsThe writers like to thank the reviewers for their care-ful evaluation and thoughtful comments. Also, the writ-e

Then, a fully electronic government procurementsystem may be established.AcknowledgementsThe writers like to thank the reviewers for their care-ful evaluation and thoughtful comments. Also, the writ-ers thank the National Science Council of Taiwan forfinancially supporting this research under ContractNo. NSC92-2211-E-009-005.References[1] Crowley LG, Hancher DE. Risk assessment of competitiveprocurement. J Construct Eng Manage 1995;121(2):230–7.[2] Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan, Taiwan,Government Procurement Law; 1998. Available from: http://plan3.pcc.gov.tw/gplaw/egplaw/.[3] Russell JS. Model for owner prequalification of contractor. JManage Eng 1990;6(1):59–75.[4] Russell JS, Skibniewski MJ. Decision criteria in contractorprequalification. J Manage Eng 1988;4(2):148–64.[5] Hatush Z, Skitmore M. Evaluating contractor prequalificationdata: selection criteria and project success factors. ConstructManage Econom 1997;15(2):129–47.[6] Lo W, Krizek RJ, Hadavi A. Effects of high prequalificationrequirements. Construct Manage Econom 1999;17(5):603–12.[7] Carr RI. Impact of number of bidding on competition. JConstruct Eng Manage 1983;109(1):61–73.[8] Carr RI. Competitive bidding and opportunity costs. J ConstructEng Manage 1987;113(1):151–65.[9] Chapman CB,Ward SC, Bennell JA. Incorporating uncertainty incompetitive bidding. Int J Project Manage 2000;18(5):337–47.[10] Cagno E, Caron F, Perego A. Multi-criteria assessment of theprobability of winning in the competitive bidding process. Int JProject Manage 2001;19(6):313–24.[11] Wanous M, Boussabaine AH, Lewis I. To bid or not to bid: aparametric solution. Construct Manage Econom 2000;18:457–66.[12] Dozzi SP, AbouRizk SM, Schroeder SL. Utility-theory model forbid markup decisions. J Construct Eng Manage 1996;122(2):119–124.[13] Moselhi O, Hegazy T, Fazio P. DBID: analogy-based DSS forbidding in construction. J Construct Eng Manage 1993;119(3):466–479.[14] Fayek A. Competitive bidding strategy model and softwaresystem for bid preparation. J Construct Eng Manage 1998;124(1):1–10.[15] Chua DKH, Li D. Key factors in bid reasoning models. JConstruct Eng Manage 2000;126(5):349–57.[16] Chua DKH, Li DZ, ChanWT. Case-based reasoning approach inbid decision making. J Construct Eng Manage 2001;127(1):35–45.[17] Herbsman ZJ. Ellis RD. Multiparameter bidding system innova-tion in contract administration. J Construct Eng Manage1992;118(1):142–50.[18] Fayek A, Ghoshal I, AbouRizk S. A survey of the biddingpractices of Canadian civil engineering construction contractors.Canadian J Civil Eng 1999;26(1):13–25.[19] Ioannou PG, Leu SS. Average-bid method – competitive biddingstrategy. J Construct Eng Manage 1993;119(1):131–47.[20] Alsugair AM. Framework for evaluating bids of constructioncontractors. J Manage Eng 1999;15(2):72–8.[21] Lai KK, Liu AL, Wang SY. A method used for evaluating bids inthe Chinese construction industry. Int J Project Manage2004;22(3):193–201.[22] Holt GD. Which contract selection methodology? Int J ProjectManage 1998;16(3):153–64.[23] Wang WC. Supporting project cost threshold decisions via amathematical cost model. Int J Project Manage 2004;22(2):99–108.[24] Wang WC. Electronic-based procedure for managing unbalancedbids. J Construct Eng Manage 2004;130(3):455–60.[25] Crowley LG, Hancher DE. Evaluation of competitive bids. JConstruct Eng Manage 1995;121(2):238–45.[26] Hiyassat MA. Construction bid price evaluation. Can J Civil Eng2001;28:264–70.[27] Crowley LG. Robust statistical estimators for use withincompetitive bid data. J Construct Eng Manage 1997;123(1):53–63.[28] Skitmore M, Drew D, Ngai S. Bid-spread. J Construct EngManage 2001;127(2):149–53.[29] Peurifoy RL, Oberlender GD. Estimating construction costs. 4thed. New York (NY): McGraw-Hill; 1989.

摘要:在一次总付最低出价方法中,如果项目管理人员确定公共建筑项目的买入价是不合理的,他们将拒绝任何出价。然而在实践中,因为缺乏一个评价最低出价的客观进程,很少有出价被拒绝。在过去的研究评估中,出价基于总投标价,而本研究提出了基于单位价格水平的评标模型。在拟议的模型中,最低组价是根据从业主和所有合格投标人所获得的电子版单位价格来评估的。此外,鉴别率的定义用来衡量业主和最低投标者双方提出的单位价格偏差。这一创新模型的优点已被应用它的两个子项目的建设工程所证实。业主和政府官员已经证实了该模型的可行性,并在一般或特殊的投标文件中阐述了建模算法说明和条款。 单位价格为基础的评估模型的竞争性投标英文文献和中文翻译(8):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_53364.html
