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时间:2017-04-19 22:41来源:毕业论文
span and at the web plate and topbottom flanges of the internal support girder (Fig. 3(c)). Furthermore, several strain gauges were installed on the top and bottom reinforcements in slabs. 2.4. Mater

span and at the web plate and top–bottom flanges of the internal
support girder (Fig. 3(c)). Furthermore, several strain gauges
were installed on the top and bottom reinforcements in slabs.
2.4. Material properties
Table 1 shows mix proportions of concrete. Material tests
were performed to measure the strength of concrete, expansive摘要
在这项研究中,一个实验测试在一个全面的模型,一个两跨预制空心板连续双梁桥和谨慎地进行观察,为了研究裂缝控制。在测试中,第一次加载到360KN,然后进行疲劳载荷测试。最后,静态加载应用900 kN。从测试的结果,证明预制空心板连续双梁桥对于强度和刚度在静态和疲劳载荷的表现。虽然,在负弯矩处,裂缝集中在板面和内部支撑处,最初的裂缝在接头处 ,裂缝宽度可以适当地控制在一个允许裂缝宽度在预制空心板梁桥内部受力的状态下。来自规范Eurocode 4-2曲率关系或抗弯刚度仍然对于考虑吧估计的有效刚度是有用的对于预制空心板连续双梁桥。
c 2007 由爱思唯尔有限公司出版
关键词:裂缝控制;连续复合两个梁板预制桥梁;;循环接头;横向联合;静态和疲劳载荷;复合截面;负弯矩区裂缝宽度;;抗弯刚度 预制空心板连续双梁桥英文文献和中文翻译(4):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_5337.html